Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Is Too Much Fluoride Dangerous For You?

(Contributed Post)

Beyond heavy metals, there are quite a few minerals that are currently drawing attention from wellness experts. Fluoride is one that you might have seen pop up lately. It’s important to ask: is it all a fad or are there real risks to our health? Let’s take a look at how too much fluoride can impact your body and what you can do to prevent it.

The impact of too much fluoride

Fluoride can be useful, in small amounts, in preventing tooth decay amongst all else. However, too much fluoride can lead to conditions known as dental and skeletal fluorosis. This can lead to damage, pain, and increased elasticity in bones and teeth, making them more likely to experience fractures, as well as a decrease in general mobility. High fluoride levels have also been linked to thyroid problems, as well as depleting calcium in bone structures. But where does this exceed fluoride come from?

Is it in your water?

Most tap water has fluoride added to it in an effort to prevent tooth decay in every household. However, natural fluoride levels can fluctuate, rising especially in warmer areas where water consumption is greater. Water filters are a popular means of cleaning drinking water at home but does reverse osmosis remove fluoride? The answer is that not all reverse osmosis filters can remove this mineral from your water, meaning that you need to see which ones have been tested for this mineral in particular, rather than just purchasing any that you see.

Be mindful of dental treatments

Fluoride in toothpaste is all well and good. However, you should make sure that you don’t use more than a pea-size amount for children, and don’t use too much yourself. However, while fluoride can be safe for cleaning your teeth directly, swallowing fluoride from this toothpaste, even a little bit, results in getting more than your daily recommended amount. You should also be mindful of fluoride gel treatments that dentists tend to offer to prevent the risk of cavities. While they do indeed help decrease cavities, they also result in absorbing much more fluoride than you should get in a single day.

Watch out for pesticide use

A lot of farms and vineyards use pesticides that contain fluoride, with cryolite being the most popular amongst them. As a result, products from these places, especially a lot of US wines, tend to have a much higher level of fluoride than others. For that reason, you should make sure that you choose wines that outright state they do not use any pesticides in their production. Choosing organic wines tend to be the easiest way to avoid choosing any that have any pesticides at all in them.

The concerns around fluoride are not easy to dismiss. While there is real concern about this mineral, you can be proactive and take the steps mentioned above to minimize exposure and reduce its health effects.

Struggling To Feel Well, No Matter What You Do? Try These 3 Simple Steps

(Contributed Post)

When it comes to wellness, it’s important to realize that it is a journey, not a destination. Not even wellness coaches, personal trainers, nutritionists or celebrities “arrive” at wellness — it is a constant search, a continuing journey towards finding the best lifestyle. 

For many people, the search for wellness is truly frustrating — to the point where many have given up trying to feel or be well. There are many fads, misleading diets, intense exercise regimes or quick-fix plans that promise better things for a person, and rarely deliver on that promise.

In this post, we will take a look at how you can truly feel better by exploring holistic, realistic ways of moving towards wellness.

Let’s get started!

Slowly alter your toxic habits

If you are searching for ways to make changes to your lifestyle, radical choices is not a sustainable solution. While taking it slowly can be frustrating, gradually shifting your toxic habits is the best in the long run.

Whether these toxic habits deal with your relationships, your food and diet intake, your exercise or perhaps your social life, it is important to alter them slowly. 

For example, if you are trying to reduce the intake of processed foods in your diet, you can start by eliminating just one snack or limiting your calories by 100-200 per week, and build upon it slowly. That way, you will be less likely to snap and binge on the foods you’re eliminating.

Don’t make changes alone

Making big life changes by yourself can be very challenging. If you feel weak and want to return to your old habits, it is easier to revert back to old ways if you don’t have any support in your wellness journey.

That’s why it is important to involve others in your life in this process. While it can be difficult to be vulnerable in front of others, a group wellness program or therapy appointment can help you open up with a support network around you.

Forgive yourself for past mistakes

One of the areas that often inhibits positive change is remaining in an old mindset, or having ongoing regret over past actions. While it is totally understandable to feel down about past mistakes, staying angry with yourself will only prevent you from changing those behaviors. 

That’s why forgiving yourself for past mistakes is so important. While it is not easy, through self reflection, positive habits and mutual support with friends, family and colleagues, you can gradually move towards wellness through self forgiveness.

Final Thoughts

If you are struggling to feel well no matter what you do, it’s time to try a different approach. Remember: wellness is not something that is ever fully achieved. Instead, it is a lifelong journey, one that is well worth the effort!

What have you had success with on your wellness journey? Share your thoughts in the comment section.

Healthy Aging: Top Habits to Adopt Now


(Guest Post)

As you age, you may notice a few health issues crop up here and there. It could be something as simple as not being as active, or it could be more serious issues or illnesses that have developed later in life. Regardless of your age, whether you're 24 or 85, it's critical to take care of your body. Here are several areas to keep watch over.


The most common causes of heart failure include obesity, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and consuming junk food. While a drink once in a while is fine, and the occasional pizza isn't going to hurt you, you should be cautious about what you put into your body to protect your heart. Also, make sure you exercise regularly to keep your heart strong.


It's completely normal for your hearing to deteriorate as you get older. However, ear problems may have a significant impact on your hearing as you get older. Have your hearing checked on a regular basis to keep your ears in good shape, whether it's for something as simple as tinnitus treatment or something more serious like hearing loss. Speak to your GP if you’re worried about any aspect of your hearing.


As people age, it's not unusual to lose some vision. However, how you treat your eyes earlier in life can have an impact later in life. Wearing glasses has become much more acceptable in recent years, and even if your eyes have never had any problems, it's important to visit an optician on a regular basis to have your vision checked. 


Dementia is often hereditary and cannot be prevented. Trauma to the head can also cause dementia. Poor mental health, on the other hand, can be a significant factor later in life. It's inevitable that life is going to be difficult at times, so you should take steps to protect your mental health. Take time for yourself, and resolve stressful situations as quickly as possible.


Finally, it's not unusual to see elderly people with missing teeth. However, with today's medicine and oral hygiene studies, tooth loss is entirely avoidable. Brush and floss your teeth every day, and avoid sugary foods to keep your teeth healthy. Visiting the dentist twice a year will also help you maintain your best smile.

There are, of course, many other aspects to watch for as you age, but addressing these common problem areas will help to lay a solid foundation of health.

The 8 Secrets Happy and Fulfilled Women Practice Everyday

Finding stability and happiness is one of the many challenges we face as modern women. Oftentimes, there are more stressors today for women as there are growth opportunities. If we are not worried about career and family, then there's a good chance we are concerned about our other relationships or feel a sense of low self-esteem.  

The result can be a life where women do not believe in their ability or worth. In these modern times, it requires strength and strong character to seize what life has to offer. If we are not careful, life can be an exhausting and soul-sapping affair.

But it doesn't have to be this way. We can take active steps to find happiness and serenity in our chaotic world. Here's how.  

Avoid Negativity

Negativity destroys dreams, plain and simple. If you want to live a full and joyful life, avoid negativity at all costs. Begin by acknowledging that there is room for improvement and growth if we are committed to actively pursuing it. Many times this requires that we limit our time around negative people. If friends or family members are consistently voicing their negativity, it may be time to sever the relationship if they are unwilling to change. As Hans F. Hansen said, “People inspire you, or they drain you – pick them wisely.” 

The Power of Forgiveness

Truly forgiving another is a powerful practice. While not an easy task by any means, true forgiveness will help you to move forward and live your best life. Be patient and know that healing can take time before you feel whole again. One way to explore forgiveness is to write a letter to the person you feel has harmed you. Include all your thoughts and feelings about the situation. Sign it. Then tear up the letter. Abraham Lincoln used this method throughout his life—and it worked. 

You can also establish new networks of like-minded people for support and a sense of community. Reading inspiring books, magazines, and articles is helpful too. 

Set Realistic Goals

Consider if the frustrations you are experiencing in life might be the result of unrealistic goals. Examine your strengths and weaknesses, then create a manageable plan for achieving your dreams and aspirations. As you do this, work with short-term achievable goals and then progress to more complex actions. The short-term goals will help you stay on track and keep you motivated. Don't forget to take the time to enjoy your success milestones with small rewards.  

Ask for Help

Sometimes it is difficult to juggle career, family, and personal life in our modern, busy lives. This is why it's important to ask for help. When we are overloaded with responsibilities, it is difficult for us to manage our projects and goals with efficiency and grace. Consider hiring an assistant to help with scheduling, email, and other work-related responsibilities. A personal assistant can also ease the stress of house management. If hiring someone is beyond your budget, connect with friends and other mothers in your community to share childcare, meal prep, and shopping. It will help everyone to reduce their household workload and overall stress. 

Take Time for Yourself

A little pampering and self-care can go a long way in helping you to feel a renewed sense of enthusiasm. When you wear your favorite dress, easily style a French bob, and carefully apply your make up, you are able to be in touch with your femininity and soften your outlook. This is one method of self-care.

Alternately, we can simply take time for ourselves, curl up with a good book or meet a dear friend for coffee. Spending time in nature is another way we can care for ourselves. These small investments in your well-being can be life-changing, helping you to have a bright and positive outlook. 


It is well-known that comparison is the destroyer of happiness. Instead of envying the seemingly charmed life of a close friend or colleague, recognize your own value and all the blessings in your life. A gratitude journal is a terrific place to start. Take time each day to acknowledge the good in your life, whether it's a bright, sunny morning or that your husband brought you a steaming cup of coffee. Notice the little things and, before long, you will have transformed your outlook. The more gratitude you have and express, the more happiness you will experience. Don't wait to begin this simple practice! 

Challenge Yourself

Today’s world is competitive and offers a wealth of opportunities for those willing to take the initiative. Side hustles are generating six-figure incomes. Home businesses are exploding. And successful start-ups are now a common reality for many. 

With the Internet it is easier now more than ever to start a new business, learn a new trade, or increase knowledge in your area of expertise. Online courses are widely available from a range of universities and institutions, and many times are offered free or for a very low cost. Have a look at Coursera or EdX for courses from highly-regarded institutions like Harvard, MIT, and Stanford. 

Learn to Love Exercise 

If you are ready to feel beautiful, strong, and energetic, exercise is crucial. Being active will not only help you stay fit and alert, but it will also keep stress at bay and help you to live longer. It also can help you to develop social networks at the gym, while hiking, or when you're out and about on a walk. Exercise also keeps your weight within a healthy range and reduces your risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and more.

In closing, it's important to recognize that everyone deserves to live a happy and fulfilled life. By taking action with these suggestions, you can lower stress while increasing joy, happiness, and health. 

Do you have ideas for how to lead a joyful life? Share your thoughts under the Words to Live By tab.

Here's How to Boost Your Confidence with a Happy and Healthy Smile


In today’s world where perfection is the ideal, you can experience self-consciousness when you believe your appearance falls short of the latest beauty trends. While we should never alter our appearance simply to conform to societal expectations, we should strive to improve our well-being. And the condition of our smile can be a reflection of our overall physical and mental health. 

If your teeth are misaligned, discolored or have cavities, you may feel self-conscious and unsure. It can lead to low self-confidence and more. Often, we don’t realize we are suffering from low self-esteem caused by the health of our teeth—but it's a reality for many. It may be time to consider your dental health. If you have missing teeth, you can fix your tooth gap with a replacement tooth or use aligners to straighten crooked teeth.  

Is Your Smile Causing Low Self-Esteem?

Subtle behaviors and habits may indicate that poor dental health is triggering low self-esteem. Do you find yourself avoiding mirrors or reflections? Would you rather not speak during meetings? When in public, do you cover your mouth while speaking or feel uncomfortable expressing yourself?

These are a few indicators of low self-esteem. Happily, this doesn't have to be a life-long condition. It's easy to improve your dental health and, in turn, improve your confidence. You will be able to laugh and smile more freely, which helps to boost your health and outlook.

How to Improve Your Smile

Once you realize your smile is causing low self-esteem, you can take action to correct the issue. It's important to seek medical intervention. Locate an experienced dentist who will examine the condition of your teeth and craft a treatment plan. It might take time to see results, but the effort will be worth it in the long run with a beautiful smile and improved confidence.

Make Dental Care a Priority

Most people don’t consider dental care a priority, which can cause significant issues over time. If you have restored a healthy smile, it's important to maintain it. Make sure to have regular dental appointments to keep your teeth healthy, strong, and disease-free. We need consistent professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar and to keep bacterial growth under control. 

Also, learn how to keep your teeth healthy by brushing and flossing twice each day. Avoid sugary foods and minimize starchy foods. Sugar encourages the growth of bacteria in your mouth, leading to tooth decay and gum disease. Lastly, drink plenty of water and brush your teeth before heading off to bed as most bacterial growth happens while sleeping.

Shhh: How the Power of Silence Can Rewire Your Brain and Transform Health

“Unnecessary noise is the most cruel absence of care that can be inflicted on sick or well.” ~ Florence Nightingale

In this day and age, we’d be hard-pressed to find a few moments without the cacophony of modern life swirling around us. With 24/7 access to television, streaming video, radio and all sorts of digital music, we might not give a second thought to the constant audio bombardment. Nor do we typically notice the day-to-day chatter from our coworkers, friends and families. Then there’s the constant buzz of lawnmowers, highways, trains, planes and automobiles. But science is finding that “noise pollution” may very well dumb us down, compromise health and dramatically increase stress and the accompanying hormones — unfortunately, this last bit can lead to weight-gain and heart disease. Even low levels of noise can trigger a cascade of undesirable effects. It’s enough to drive one mad — literally.

BPA-Free Plastics Are Still Scary — Here's Why

By Mariah Blake, March/April 2014 Issue Mother Jones

The Scary Evidence About BPA-Free Plastics — and the Big Tobacco-style campaign to bury it.

Each night at dinnertime, a familiar ritual played out in Michael Green’s home: He’d slide a stainless steel sippy cup across the table to his two-year-old daughter, Juliette, and she’d howl for the pink plastic one. Often, Green gave in. But he had a nagging feeling. As an environmental-health advocate, he had fought to rid sippy cups and baby bottles of the common plastic additive bisphenol A (BPA), which mimics the hormone estrogen and has been linked to a long list of serious health problems. Juliette’s sippy cup was made from a new generation of BPA-free plastics, but Green, who runs the Oakland, California-based Center for Environmental Health, had come across research suggesting some of these contained synthetic estrogens, too.

Sprightly Summer Spritzer with Raspberry and Lemon

Here is another lightening quick recipe for the dog days of summer – a refreshing spritzer with just a hint of sweetness and a touch of tanginess. I normally do not recommend cold beverages as they tend to suppress digestion, but I couldn't resist with this one. Just make sure you enjoy the spritzer on its own and straight up. Fresh raspberries and lemons, a dash of stevia, squeeze of juice along with sparking mineral water like San Pellegrino and you will never be tempted by artificial vitamin waters again. Wishing all an outrageously festive, healthy and playful season.

Defeat Health Tyranny in California -- Support the SB277 Referendum Today

(SB277 Referendum) Our goal is to terminate California's SB277, the mandatory vaccination law which eliminates parental and religious rights.

DIY: Turmeric Miracle Elixir Boosts Energy and Immunity

(Realfarmacy) This amazing DIY elixir will keep you happy, healthy, and active all winter! It’s easy to make, here’s what you need…

Fact or Myth: Is Stevia Bad for You?

(Underground Health Reporter) Since its debut in 2008, Stevia extract has become the darling of sugar substitutes, touted as a calorie-free, “natural” sweetener. In reality, stevia is more of a Frankenstein sugar substitute…a prime example of what happens when food manufacturers turn one of Mother Nature’s creations into a chemical monstrosity.

25 Habits Of People Who Are Happy, Healthy & Successful

(MindBodyGreen) Who among us doesn't want to be a happy, healthy and successful human being? Still, it can be easy to lose your way, which is why I've compiled a list of habits you can use to help reach your goals.

So what is it about happy people that makes them the way they are? Below are just some of the ways they separate themselves from the rest of the crowd.

Beware: Shoes Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

Heard of earthing yet? It's all the rage among those who want to be more energetic, grounded, clear, healthy and youthful. Simply place bare feet on sand or a moist patch of grass for at least 10 minutes. Really, that's it. The benefits are truly exceptional -- a strong immune system along with reduced inflammation and cardiovascular disease are just a few of earthing's rewards.

Antioxidants, free radicals and the root of disease

Incredible to think that merely walking barefoot on the earth can heal disease. But Dr. James Oschman, recognized as a top expert of biophysics energy medicine, has shown that the earth is a powerful healing tool. When bare feet connect with the ground, there is a transfer of free electrons from the earth through the skin. These electrons are the most powerful antioxidants known. By scavenging and neutralizing free radicals in the body, antioxidants help to ease inflammation as well as cell and tissue damage. Remember, inflammation is the bane of health -- contributing to everything from heart disease to cancer to diabetes. Free electrons have a negative charge while free radicals are positive -- they cancel each other out. With the advent of rubber soled shoes, we have essentially cut ourselves off from the earth's supply of healing free electrons -- all the while promoting the rise of modern illness.

Tree Nut Consumption Lowers Pancreatic Cancer Risk - Research

If you need another excuse to enjoy a handful of your favorite tree nut, new research suggests consumption of nuts can slash the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Long associated with decreased rates of heart disease and diabetes, researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, along with Harvard Medical School, have now added another compelling reason to include nuts in the diet - namely, cancer prevention.

Tasty snack with substantial benefits

A study published in the British Journal of Cancer found a strong correlation between nuts and lower cancer rates. The study was based on data from the Nurses’ Health Study, which was was analyzed for the nut consumption - including almonds, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, cashews, pistachios and hazelnuts - of 75, 680 healthy women. The team discovered that “eating a one-ounce serving of nuts at least twice a week was associated with a lower risk of pancreatic cancer,” reports the Huffington Post. “[The] nut-eaters also tended to weigh less than the non-nut-eaters.” Other factors for pancreatic cancer such as age, height, physical activity, obesity, smoking, diabetes and dietary influences were taken into account and included in the results.

Create Health, Wealth And Happiness In Just A Few Minutes Per Day With Ancient Hawaiian Healing Technique

Could four simple phrases really be the key to health, happiness, peace and prosperity? Proponents of Ho'oponopono believe so. Developed by the shamans of Hawaii, this little known system creates effortless flow in life, allowing relationships to be healed along with blocks to health and money. Ho'oponopono is a practice of forgiveness while accepting full responsibility for negative situations that arise in your life. Once the philosophy ofHo'oponopono is truly understood, health, finances and overall well-being improve.

Sacha Inchi: Supreme Superfood For Fierce Health And A Bright Mind

Inca peanut, otherwise known as sacha inchi, is a powerful superfood chock-full of omega-3s, protein and fiber. As an inflammation fighter, sacha inchi is extraordinary. The brain, bones and joints all benefit from the remarkable nutrition of this little known edible. These Amazonian nuts are also a formidable protector against cancer, heart disease and free-radicals.

Edible Flowers 101

As we bound into spring, rejuvenate your health and palate with gorgeous edible flowers. The petals of these captivating plants host a variety of important nutrients while providing a burst of color and contrast to the diet. Growing edible flowers need not be saved for warm weather; create a lovely indoor garden in a sunlit spot beside a window and enjoy the many benefits of graceful edible blossoms during any season.

After Reading This, You May Never Touch Another McDonald’s French Fry Again

If you're ever tempted to fall off the horse of good health and treat yourself to a crispy batch of McDonald's French fries, a recent PR campaign by the behemoth fast food chain may give you pause for thought. In the video, a perky McDonald's rep assures us that, yes, their fries are actually made with potatoes. He adds with a smile that an impressive 19 ingredients are used -- one of which is also found in Silly Putty. Although the rep fails to make a connection with the anti-foaming agent dimethylpolysiloxane and the beloved childhood clay, he does make a point to list it twice as an ingredient.

Wi-Fi Especially Dangerous for Young Children—Cell Phones Too

(Alliance for Natural Health) Should we be concerned about radiation from our cell phones (which we carry with us everywhere) and our Wi-Fi (which is nearly ubiquitous these days)?

A review of recent studies shows reasons for caution, pointing to evidence which demonstrates that children absorb more microwave radiation (MWR) than adults. The authors also note the shortcomings in current federal regulatory policy in regard to MWR exposure.

5 Things That Happen When You Quit Eating Sugar

(Eat Local Grown) First, let’s set the record straight by saying that sugar in and of itself isn’t evil, per se. It occurs naturally in plenty of foods, including fruits and milk. With that being said, adding excess sugar to your dietary intake simply isn’t necessary. In fact, you’ll notice numerous positive things happen when you decide to quit sugar for life.

Although people living in the Western world have been trained to desire sugary treats, as well as foods that include copious amounts of sugar for flavoring, we certainly don’t need it. If you stop eating anything but naturally occurring sugars, you’ll notice that 5 very distinctive things will happen.