Finding stability and happiness is one of the many challenges we face as modern women. Oftentimes, there are more stressors today for women as there are growth opportunities. If we are not worried about career and family, then there's a good chance we are concerned about our other relationships or feel a sense of low self-esteem.
The result can be a life where women do not believe in their ability or worth. In these modern times, it requires strength and strong character to seize what life has to offer. If we are not careful, life can be an exhausting and soul-sapping affair.
But it doesn't have to be this way. We can take active steps to find happiness and serenity in our chaotic world. Here's how.
Avoid Negativity
Negativity destroys dreams, plain and simple. If you want to live a full and joyful life, avoid negativity at all costs. Begin by acknowledging that there is room for improvement and growth if we are committed to actively pursuing it. Many times this requires that we limit our time around negative people. If friends or family members are consistently voicing their negativity, it may be time to sever the relationship if they are unwilling to change. As Hans F. Hansen said, “People inspire you, or they drain you – pick them wisely.”
The Power of Forgiveness
Truly forgiving another is a powerful practice. While not an easy task by any means, true forgiveness will help you to move forward and live your best life. Be patient and know that healing can take time before you feel whole again. One way to explore forgiveness is to write a letter to the person you feel has harmed you. Include all your thoughts and feelings about the situation. Sign it. Then tear up the letter. Abraham Lincoln used this method throughout his life—and it worked.
You can also establish new networks of like-minded people for support and a sense of community. Reading inspiring books, magazines, and articles is helpful too.
Set Realistic Goals
Consider if the frustrations you are experiencing in life might be the result of unrealistic goals. Examine your strengths and weaknesses, then create a manageable plan for achieving your dreams and aspirations. As you do this, work with short-term achievable goals and then progress to more complex actions. The short-term goals will help you stay on track and keep you motivated. Don't forget to take the time to enjoy your success milestones with small rewards.
Ask for Help
Sometimes it is difficult to juggle career, family, and personal life in our modern, busy lives. This is why it's important to ask for help. When we are overloaded with responsibilities, it is difficult for us to manage our projects and goals with efficiency and grace. Consider hiring an assistant to help with scheduling, email, and other work-related responsibilities. A personal assistant can also ease the stress of house management. If hiring someone is beyond your budget, connect with friends and other mothers in your community to share childcare, meal prep, and shopping. It will help everyone to reduce their household workload and overall stress.
Take Time for Yourself
A little pampering and self-care can go a long way in helping you to feel a renewed sense of enthusiasm. When you wear your favorite dress, easily style a French bob, and carefully apply your make up, you are able to be in touch with your femininity and soften your outlook. This is one method of self-care.
Alternately, we can simply take time for ourselves, curl up with a good book or meet a dear friend for coffee. Spending time in nature is another way we can care for ourselves. These small investments in your well-being can be life-changing, helping you to have a bright and positive outlook.
It is well-known that comparison is the destroyer of happiness. Instead of envying the seemingly charmed life of a close friend or colleague, recognize your own value and all the blessings in your life. A gratitude journal is a terrific place to start. Take time each day to acknowledge the good in your life, whether it's a bright, sunny morning or that your husband brought you a steaming cup of coffee. Notice the little things and, before long, you will have transformed your outlook. The more gratitude you have and express, the more happiness you will experience. Don't wait to begin this simple practice!
Challenge Yourself
Today’s world is competitive and offers a wealth of opportunities for those willing to take the initiative. Side hustles are generating six-figure incomes. Home businesses are exploding. And successful start-ups are now a common reality for many.
With the Internet it is easier now more than ever to start a new business, learn a new trade, or increase knowledge in your area of expertise. Online courses are widely available from a range of universities and institutions, and many times are offered free or for a very low cost. Have a look at Coursera or EdX for courses from highly-regarded institutions like Harvard, MIT, and Stanford.
Learn to Love Exercise
If you are ready to feel beautiful, strong, and energetic, exercise is crucial. Being active will not only help you stay fit and alert, but it will also keep stress at bay and help you to live longer. It also can help you to develop social networks at the gym, while hiking, or when you're out and about on a walk. Exercise also keeps your weight within a healthy range and reduces your risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and more.
In closing, it's important to recognize that everyone deserves to live a happy and fulfilled life. By taking action with these suggestions, you can lower stress while increasing joy, happiness, and health.
Do you have ideas for how to lead a joyful life? Share your thoughts under the Words to Live By tab.
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