Heard of earthing yet? It's all the rage among those who want to be more energetic, grounded, clear, healthy and youthful. Simply place bare feet on sand or a moist patch of grass for at least 10 minutes. Really, that's it. The benefits are truly exceptional -- a strong immune system along with reduced inflammation and cardiovascular disease are just a few of earthing's rewards.
Antioxidants, free radicals and the root of disease
Incredible to think that merely walking barefoot on the earth can heal disease. But Dr. James Oschman, recognized as a top expert of biophysics energy medicine, has shown that the earth is a powerful healing tool. When bare feet connect with the ground, there is a transfer of free electrons from the earth through the skin. These electrons are the most powerful antioxidants known. By scavenging and neutralizing free radicals in the body, antioxidants help to ease inflammation as well as cell and tissue damage. Remember, inflammation is the bane of health -- contributing to everything from heart disease to cancer to diabetes. Free electrons have a negative charge while free radicals are positive -- they cancel each other out. With the advent of rubber soled shoes, we have essentially cut ourselves off from the earth's supply of healing free electrons -- all the while promoting the rise of modern illness.