Sprightly Summer Spritzer with Raspberry and Lemon

Here is another lightening quick recipe for the dog days of summer – a refreshing spritzer with just a hint of sweetness and a touch of tanginess. I normally do not recommend cold beverages as they tend to suppress digestion, but I couldn't resist with this one. Just make sure you enjoy the spritzer on its own and straight up. Fresh raspberries and lemons, a dash of stevia, squeeze of juice along with sparking mineral water like San Pellegrino and you will never be tempted by artificial vitamin waters again. Wishing all an outrageously festive, healthy and playful season.

Defeat Insomnia and Sleep Easy With These Top Foods

Poor sleep isn't only a nuisance, it's also dangerous for health. Currently, over 50 million Americans suffer from the condition, with women three times more susceptible than men. When we are sleep deprived, the risk of diabetes, depression and cardiovascular disease increase, immunity falters and our waistlines expand. As anyone who has suffered from insomnia knows, lack of decent shut-eye creates mayhem in personal and professional lives, while also jeopardizing ultimate well-being.

The good news is that we don't have to be at the mercy of erratic sleep patterns. With a few wise food choices in the latter part of the day, we can overcome the unruly beast of insomnia once and for all.

DIY Black Magic: Naturally Whiter Teeth with Activated Charcoal Toothpaste

As strange as it may sound, brushing with a readily available black powder can help polish and whiten your teeth - all without harsh chemicals. To be honest, I was doubtful this homemade toothpaste would really work, but was curious enough to give it a go. The results were surprising. 

After a bit of research, I discovered that activated charcoal is an astonishing magnet for anything from poisons to bacteria to stains on your teeth. Apparently, activated charcoal absorbs and encapsulates harmful substances, then safely escorts it out of the system without risk of absorption. This is why hospitals keep a hearty supply of the stuff on hand for poisoning victims.

Eating By Color: Curb Cancer Risk and Support a Bright Outlook With Red Hued Foods

A simple yet profound approach to exceptional health and balance is found in a diet based on color. Strikingly hued fare brims with phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. The natural color of food also impacts emotions and world view. Red is associated with our sense of place and security. If you feel disconnected, impatient or ungrounded, you may need more red foods in the diet. Lower back pain, poor digestion, sciatica and immune disorders also indicate a deficiency of these foods as well.

Root of the matter

Eating influences us not only physically but also emotionally. The food we choose at any given moment shapes how we view ourselves and the world, which in turn governs health. If our diet is clean and rich with nutrients, our emotional state tends to be stable and balanced - thereby encouraging a healthy immune system and smooth digestion along with optimum absorption.

Say Goodbye to Dieting—Find Your Rhythm and Shed Extra Pounds Effortlessly with Bio-Circadian Nutrition

It's a familiar story with many: the diet saga. Whether skipping meals or eliminating carbohydrates, 100 percent raw or paleo—the options are endless in the promise of slimming down and winning the battle of the bulge for good. A little known, yet elegant strategy is beginning to emerge, however: bio-circadian nutrition. The idea is simple. Align yourself with natural physiological rhythms and say farewell to fad diets, strange weight loss regimes and popping endless pills.

Take a cue from traditional cultures

In our fast-paced, frantically productive lives, we are often blind to the subtle prompts of the body. We launch out of bed in the morning stressed, frazzled and overwhelmed, skipping breakfast and heading straight for Starbucks to gulp down our fix. Lunch tends to be light and rushed then we wonder why we need a serious hit of caffeine and sugar mid afternoon. A heavy evening meal follows and we collapse into bed on a full stomach. To make matters worse, we feel sluggish, foggy and fat.

Four Unusual Superfood Smoothies That Can Change Your Life for the Better

Smoothies have been in fashion for quite some time now as a quick, nutrient dense and health-inspiring way to keep the body humming and happy. Even so, it's easy to fall into a rut and miss out on a world of unusual combinations that act as potent functional foods. Whether taming inflammation, guarding against cancer or boosting energy, the following four examples can breathe new life into your daily smoothie habit.

The Hidden Dangers of Going Gluten-Free—Here's How to Avoid the Pitfalls

Gluten-free diets are sweeping the nation as more people become aware of the dangers of the problematic protein found in wheat, rye and barley. While their intentions may be for the best, many are falling into the trap of "junk gluten-free" -- foods high in sugar, starch, additives and genetically modified (GM) ingredients. Concerned health advocates believe that in the quest to eliminate gluten from the diet, individuals are, in actuality, exchanging one problematic food for another.

The role GMOs play in food intolerance

Gluten sensitivity is certainly on the rise, and GM food is firmly placed as one of the main aggravators of the condition. As reported in the article "Incidence of gluten sensitivity skyrocketing in the U.S. - Are GMOs to blame?":

"Jeffrey Smith's documentary Genetic roulette: The gamble of our lives reveals how GMOs destroy the digestive tract of mammals. Smith believes that the Bt toxin found in genetically modified food actually creates holes in the gut lining, leading to leaky gut syndrome. This may explain why gluten intolerance has become prevalent since GMOs were introduced into the food supply."