Showing posts with label natural beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural beauty. Show all posts

Natural Remedies to Help Maintain Youthful, Wrinkle-Free Skin

(Contributed Post)

Ideally we want our skin complexion to remain effortlessly youthful and wrinkle free for as long as possible. There certainly is an abundance of creams on the market that play into this vulnerability. Be that as it may, many times the best remedies are those of the natural sort. By choosing natural options, we can avoid harsh chemicals and toxins. Continue reading for fresh and natural inspiration for skincare. 

Facial Skin: The Power of Lemon 

An ingredient that many of us already have at home are lemons. Due to its high Vitamin C content, lemons can boost the natural levels of collagen throughout your body. Collagen is particularly beneficial for the skin because it encourages skin repair and elasticity, which creates a more youthful appearance.  Simply apply a small amount of lemon juice to your face. Let sit for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and apply your usual moisturizer. Do this at least once a day to reap the benefits. 

Aloe Vera

Alternatively you could use aloe vera. Many beauty products on the market add aloe vera as it helps to create a more youthful complex. There is a good reason for this. The leaves of the aloe vera plant contain a gel which is abundant in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It also contains folic acid and choline which combined, works wonders at repairing skin problems and slowing down the aging process. To obtain the gel you need to cut off a segment nearest to the stem and scoop out the clear gel from inside the leaf. Apply to your face and let sit for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Repeat each day for at least a week. 

Firming the Chest Area

Instead of viewing videos about breast implant surgery, consider less invasive options. Natural alternatives to breast implant surgery are available that will help to tone your skin without a permanent surgical procedure. You can begin by incorporating some daily exercise into your daily routine. Push-ups are an excellent muscle toning exercise. The repeated movement will be effective at building your upper body and arm strength—and also will help to firm your chest area. 

The types of food you eat can also make a difference. Fenugreek seeds naturally contain a high level of diosgenin, which is remarkably similar to the human hormone estrogen. It could be worth incorporating some of these seeds into your meals or taking a natural supplement containing this ingredient to see if this helps to increase voluptuousness.

Another seed worth noting is sesame seed. It is naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and antioxidants, and is also used in cosmetics, soaps, and medicines.  Research from the Department of Biology at Kerbala University discovered that the consumption of sesame seeds over the course of 20 days had an effect on the voluptuousness of the chest area.  

Reduce Cellulite

Cellulite is a common issue among women and tends to grow worse as we age and the skin loses it's elasticity. Here are a few ways to minimize it.

A natural remedy made up of apple cider vinegar, water and some honey could help reduce this. Apple cider vinegar is naturally full of potassium, magnesium and calcium which can help reduce the presence of cellulite. 

Combine one part apple cider vinegar with 2 parts water and then a spoonful of honey. Apply to the skin you would like to treat and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse off. Repeat daily for a month. If you see improvement, continue the routine to maintain smooth, cellulite-free skin. 

DIY Black Magic: Naturally Whiter Teeth with Activated Charcoal Toothpaste

As strange as it may sound, brushing with a readily available black powder can help polish and whiten your teeth - all without harsh chemicals. To be honest, I was doubtful this homemade toothpaste would really work, but was curious enough to give it a go. The results were surprising. 

After a bit of research, I discovered that activated charcoal is an astonishing magnet for anything from poisons to bacteria to stains on your teeth. Apparently, activated charcoal absorbs and encapsulates harmful substances, then safely escorts it out of the system without risk of absorption. This is why hospitals keep a hearty supply of the stuff on hand for poisoning victims.

A Natural Approach to Weight Loss

(Women to Women)
by Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP 

Over the years I’m sure I’ve lost over 100 pounds — the same 10 pounds, 10 times! And so many of my patients tell me the same thing, I wonder how many American women (and their daughters) are on a diet on any given day. We spend billions of dollars a year on diets and weight loss products, yet nearly two-thirds of us are overweight — a trend that’s steadily inching upwards along with our waistlines!

Never mind that all these weight loss efforts don’t work, we are putting ourselves through hell to get nowhere. I’ve seen women willing to sacrifice just about anything to lose weight – even their health and well-being. But when I tell women I have a solution for them that doesn’t involve suffering or a magical pill, many say, “Oh, come on, Marcelle, can I really lose weight the natural way?”

How I Cured My Acne With Apple Cider Vinegar

(MindBodyGreen) By Erica Scime

I had acne pretty much since puberty and spent most of my middle school, high school and university years with a broken-out face. I tried everything in my battle against blemishes — drugstore cleansers, department store skin regimens, medicated creams, dangerous prescription pills — you name it. It wasn’t until years later, after hearing Scarlett Johansson sing the praises of apple cider vinegar as her skin care secret, that I made my own apple cider vinegar toner and found my acne cure. After all, who needs “dermatologist recommended” when you’ve got Scarlett Johansson?

Honey — A Top Survival Food, Wound Healer And All-Purpose Health Tonic

The humble jar of honey in your cabinet is more than just an exquisite sweetener -- it's also an incredible survival food and medicine chest rolled into one. Known throughout history for its health merits, honey is a broad spectrum healer. Heart disease, high cholesterol, influenza, wounds and infections respond well to this common and seemingly simple golden liquid. Since certain types of honey are more effective than others, choose wisely to enjoy the maximum benefit.

Discover The Secret Of Beauty On A Budget With Turmeric

Instead of paying high prices for chemical-laden cosmetics and creams, consider turmeric. This humble, economical, and easily accessible herb has been time tested throughout Asia for promoting natural beauty.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is native to Southeast Asia. This golden-orange rhizome is dried and ground into a powdered spice with many culinary, medicinal, and cosmetic uses. Called khamin in Thai, turmeric is one of the key ingredients utilized in traditional skin care. When the fresh rhizome is crushed, an oil is produced that lends an effective natural moisturizer with antiseptic qualities. Turmeric is an important element in Thai Spa herbal wrap treatments, serving as a potent antibacterial skin freshener.

Boycott botox and discover nature's fountain of youth

Instead of drastic surgical procedures, dangerous injections, or chemical ridden creams, many are turning to natural treatments to ease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. By utilizing a few simple techniques that can be implemented at home, the complexion is revitalized. Skin becomes radiant through the use of herbs, facial massage and diet.

Select medicinal plants are especially beneficial for the health of the skin. Hawthorn berry and the Ayurvedic herb ashwagandha are both powerful anti-aging tonics. Hawthorn protects against solar radiation and helps to oxygenate tissue while ashwagandha is a formidable antioxidant.

Topical oils naturally support beautiful skin as well. Essential oils of cypress, grapefruit, lemon, and peppermint stimulate the lymphatic system, thereby promoting detoxification and healthful skin. Rose helps to improve moisture retention and tone, whereas lavender tends to be astringent and tightens pores. Due to their concentrated nature, essential oils always need to be diluted in a carrier such as jojoba, almond, or olive oil.

Not just another pretty face -- Boost immunity, soothe anxiety and calm distressed skin with cornflower herb

As a powerful medicinal plant, cornflower offers a wealth of benefit. Muscle and joint pain, eye complaints, anxiety, skin irritations and digestive upset all respond well to this edible flower. Cornflower also helps to increase immunity -- a welcome tonic during the cold and flu season. Easy to grow, these brilliant blooms are as versatile as they are beautiful.

Sometimes known as 'bachelor's button', cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) grows wild throughout Europe and certain parts of North America. Bearing rich blue flowers, the plant can reach up to three feet high. Native to Greece and Turkey, cornflower has a long history of healing use.

Eliminate acne once and for all with these simple tips

Not only bothersome, acne can also indicate toxicity. Encourage radiant skin and cleanse the body by making easy adjustments to the diet and utilizing natural remedies. Exotic or expensive ingredients are unnecessary -- a solution may be no further than the kitchen pantry.

We are what we eat

It should come as no surprise that diet is intricately linked with the health of the skin; whether acne, premature wrinkles or general clarity. A spectrum of colorful fruits and vegetables are key, especially leafy greens which help to detoxify the liver. A whole food diet is a must. Essential fatty acids found in flax, borage, hemp and fish oils support luminous, healthy skin as well. Nix dairy forever along with red meat, both of which encourage inflammation -- one of the many causes of skin eruptions. The same for refined sugar. If you need something sweet, xylitol or stevia are good substitutes. Choose organic, always. This will reduce the toxic load and bump up nutritional content. Vitamins A and E, magnesium, calcium and zinc are vital for glowing skin -- make sure you are getting enough.

Cocoa butter is not just for chocolate anymore - Discover the healthy secrets behind this sensuous food

Need another reason to love the cacao bean? As it turns out, cocoa butter has its own set of health enhancing properties apart from cocoa. External use of the butter clears everything from psoriasis to dermatitis to eczema, while conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, heart disease and cancer respond well to internal use. Cocoa butter is also nutrient dense -- supplying antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and beneficial fats. Frequently used in skin care products, this heavenly butter is also great for cooking, smoothies and raw food creations.

Food of the gods

Chocolate is considered a food of the gods for good reason. Nothing else quite compares to the texture, taste and complexity of this flavorful delight. While most of us are familiar with the rich, dark element of cacao beans, many are unaware of the health perks contained within its light-colored counterpart. Cocoa butter is what gives chocolate its smooth, melt-in-your mouth, satisfying quality. It is also an incredible source of vitamins, flavonoids, antioxidants and minerals. In fact, cocoa butter contains generous amounts of cocoa mass polyphenol (CMP) which has been shown to thwart cancer, prevent cardiovascular disease and ease arthritis. These same compounds also help to regulate excessive T-cell activity -- the root cause of immune system dysfunctions like psoriasis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Researchers believe that the oleic acid content in cocoa butter may lower the risk of heart failure as well. Oleic acid is a healthy monounsaturated fat which is also found in olive oil. For ultimate nutrition and flavor, source organic cocoa butter that is processed under low temperatures.