Thrive Short-Order | Scapes with Eggs, Bacon and Artisan Salt {Paleo and Gluten-free}

We received a tangle of scapes with our CSA box last week and I decided to throw together a quick lunch utilizing this gorgeous vegetable. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this relative of garlic, you are in for a treat. Keep an eye out at your Farmer’s Market for slender, corkscrew-shaped green stalks that are topped with a white ‘Russian dome.’ Possessing a more complex flavor than standard garlic, you can use the entire stalk and bulb in any culinary creation where you would like a hint of flavor, without it being overpowering. The white bulb caramelizes beautifully, just make sure you don’t over do it since it can burn and turn bitter just as easily.

I also came across several varieties of artisan salt at our local natural market the other day—both black and pink Hawaiian, along with an applewood smoked number. I decided to use a pinch of each to lend a bit of mystery and depth to my humble fried eggs. Why not? Feel free to grind the salt. I chose not to from sheer laziness, and it worked out just fine.

This recipe comes together in a snap—the perfect compliment for busy and fun-filled summer days where the last thing in the world you want to be doing is slaving over a hot stove.

Surprising solution for Ebola virus

By Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

Whether the infectious disease branch of modern medicine is truly unaware or just does not want to admit they are completely wrong on how to cure a viral syndrome remains a debatable point. Certainly, their “find a vaccine for everything” approach to viruses is not the answer.

Even if a vaccine could be introduced into the body without associated toxins and severe side effects that was effective in decreasing the chances of contracting a given viral infection, such an approach does absolutely nothing for the individual who is already critically ill with an overwhelming viral count in the body. And it does nothing for the individuals who remained virus-free yet suffered debilitating side effects.

Hair colorants and the cancer connection—Protect yourself with these natural alternatives

As a culture obsessed with youth and beauty, it's easy to fall into the trap of using hair dyes to cover those telltale gray hairs. However, using these commercial products is risky since the chemical formulations are linked with a range of cancers. Even so-called 'natural' dyes can compromise health. Where do we turn? With a measure of creativity and knowledge, do-it-yourself hair color can give you glossy, rich locks without the drawbacks of pre-made colorants.

Beware of youth in a bottle

In the quest for an ageless appearance, scores of women and men have substantially increased their risk of cancer through the use of commercial hair dyes. Concoctions of poisons that can lead to cancer of the breast, ovary and bladder, as well as leukemia, the hazards of hair colorants outweigh the temporary cosmetic benefits. According to NYR Natural News, several studies over the years have found:

Shocking Results: Woman Replaces 40 Medications With Raw Cannabis Juice

(Collective Evolution) By Arjun Walia

Although the results may not be shocking to everyone, many people on the planet are just starting to wake up to the tremendous medicinal benefits that cannabis has to offer. A recent study conducted by the Institute of Molecular Psychiatry at the University of Bonn in Germany just discovered that the activation of the brain’s cannabinoid system triggers the release of antioxidants that act as a cleansing mechanism. This process is known to remove damaged cells and improve the efficiency of mitochondria. Mitochondria is the energy sources that powers cells. The study was published in the Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society.

Overheated this summer? Cool anger, anxiety, stress and more with chrysanthemum tea

Long revered by traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), chrysanthemum tea balances the system in a variety of ways. Especially useful during the spring and summer months, it cools the body and clears the liver. The tea also supports immunity, reduces high blood pressure, relaxes the nervous system and curbs aging. Cultivated by the Chinese for over 3,000 years and readily prescribed by TCM practitioners, this trusted herb can heal a multitude of health complaints.

Nectar of poets, tisane of the common man

Chinese poetry reflects the exceptional respect paid to the humble chrysanthemum flower in its ability to heal an imbalanced body and mind. The Chinese poet Tao Yuanming (CE 365-427) writes in Drinking, "While picking chrysanthemums beneath the easter fence, my gaze uptown the southern mountain rest," indicating a serene retreat away from the bustling world. Likewise, TCM utilizes the herb to quiet anxiety and balance the nerves. Since chrysanthemum supports a healthy liver, "wind" ailments such as anger, stress, headache and dizziness are eased as well. Greer's Health & Wellness affirms the herb is used to "sharpen the vision and hearing, calm the nerves and clear the brain."

Live your bliss by boosting brain dopamine levels

If you're blue, can't seem to shed those extra pounds or suffer from malaise, you may be lacking adequate dopamine. As a powerful brain neurotransmitter, dopamine regulates movement, feelings of pleasure, cognitive ability and appetite. When levels are low, zest for life plummets and we become prone to neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's - even schizophrenia. But not to worry. Keeping dopamine flowing freely is easy with a few dietary recommendations.

Food as Medicine