We received a tangle of scapes with our CSA box last week and I decided to throw together a quick lunch utilizing this gorgeous vegetable. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this relative of garlic, you are in for a treat. Keep an eye out at your Farmer’s Market for slender, corkscrew-shaped green stalks that are topped with a white ‘Russian dome.’ Possessing a more complex flavor than standard garlic, you can use the entire stalk and bulb in any culinary creation where you would like a hint of flavor, without it being overpowering. The white bulb caramelizes beautifully, just make sure you don’t over do it since it can burn and turn bitter just as easily.
I also came across several varieties of artisan salt at our local natural market the other day—both black and pink Hawaiian, along with an applewood smoked number. I decided to use a pinch of each to lend a bit of mystery and depth to my humble fried eggs. Why not? Feel free to grind the salt. I chose not to from sheer laziness, and it worked out just fine.
This recipe comes together in a snap—the perfect compliment for busy and fun-filled summer days where the last thing in the world you want to be doing is slaving over a hot stove.