If you eat eggs, the variety you choose can make a big difference in nutrition. Conventional, organic, free-range or pastured? Terminology can be confusing or downright misleading. Mother Earth News decided to cut through the hearsay by testing pastured eggs to see if they lived up to their reputation as a higher quality food. The results may surprise you.
The dark underbelly of certification
To some, it may be shocking to learn their pricey, supermarket organic eggs have very little nutritional difference between conventional, "battery hen" types. Or that free-range can simply mean a chicken has access to a cramped outdoor space for a few minutes a day. Like most matters concerning commercially produced food, certification can be wildly deceptive. To clarify, the Food Renegade offers the following insights about the different varieties of eggs:
The dark underbelly of certification
To some, it may be shocking to learn their pricey, supermarket organic eggs have very little nutritional difference between conventional, "battery hen" types. Or that free-range can simply mean a chicken has access to a cramped outdoor space for a few minutes a day. Like most matters concerning commercially produced food, certification can be wildly deceptive. To clarify, the Food Renegade offers the following insights about the different varieties of eggs: