Showing posts with label health benefits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health benefits. Show all posts

Argan—The Miracle Beauty Oil Which Also Tames Heart Disease, Diabetes and Arthritis

Argan oil. It's all the rage among those who treasure flawless skin and glossy hair. But the advantages of the oil aren't just skin deep -- numerous health benefits have also been discovered within the scientific community. Rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, argan oil just may be a one stop beauty and health remedy rolled into one.

Extracted by hand from the fruit of the argan tree which grows in Morocco, the oil counteracts dry skin, heals acne and helps fight the signs of aging. The secret? Potent antioxidants protect against free radicals and sun damage, while both oleic and linoleic acid support healthy sebum levels and cellular turnover -- important factors for those contending with acne, eczema or psoriasis. Considered a "dry oil," argan is absorbed readily into the skin, thereby assisting with moisture retention without feeling greasy or clogging pores. Sterolins in the oil also improve skin metabolism and reduce inflammation.

Yet another reason to go organic - Research verifies it really is more nutritious

While it's generally agreed in the natural health arena that organically produced fare is superior in safety compared to crops that utilize GMOs or chemical pesticides, the fact that it's more nutritious might be overlooked by consumers. Conventional growers insist there isn't a substantial difference between the two, yet several studies have found otherwise.

Top Ten Healthy Reasons To Eat Chocolate

Good news for all you chocolate lovers out there, new research has found this divine food has even more health boosting advantages than previously recognized. Not only does it enhance both cardiovascular and mental well-being, but it also lowers body mass index (BMI) and insulin resistance. However, before consuming chocolate with wild abandon, it's important to discern between the different varieties - and choose only superfood grades for ultimate benefit.

This popular oil could protect you from DNA damage caused by GMOs, researchers say

By Nick Meyer 

(Alt Health Works) Genetically modified foods are easier to avoid in some countries that others, but the genetic contamination in the United States is so high right now that the odds say you’ll be consuming at least a small percentage of GMO material even if you always buy organic.

Soybeans and soy products are particularly high risk items since the vast majority of soy in the U.S. is genetically modified to withstand heavy doses of health-damaging agrochemicals, but there may be a way to protect damage from GMO soybeans according to a new study from a team of researchers in the UK, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

According to the study, the always-popular extra virgin olive oil may reduce DNA damage caused by consuming genetically modified soybean products.

Concerned about cancer, inflammation, memory loss or diabetes? 'Holy Fruit of the Himalayas' can help

With environmental pollutants, radiation, stress and chemicals bombarding us at every turn, simply consuming a clean diet isn't enough to ensure health - additional fortification with nutrient-dense superfoods is often required to avoid serious disease and illness. Luckily, a bright orange Himalayan berry can tackle many of our modern health issues and encourage a robust future.

Sea buckthorn fruit is loaded with over 190 bioactive compounds, including omega-3 and omega-7 fatty acids - the latter is a rare fat in the plant kingdom which is beneficial for weight loss and healing the gastrointestinal tract. The berry is considered one of the world's most balanced fruits, providing powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds. Rich in beta-carotene, flavonoids and vitamins C, D, E and K, sea buckthorn also contains a substantial complex of B vitamins and 20 minerals. Moreover, it supplies between 4-100 times more vitamin C than any other fruit or vegetable. With such an impressive nutritional profile, it's no wonder the fruit has long been considered a healing treasure in the mountainous Himalayan regions in which it grows.

Health Benefits of Lemons and Limes

One of my morning rituals is sipping on a cup of warm water with the fresh juice of a whole lemon or lime with either fresh ginger, a sprinkle of cayenne pepper or cinnamon. Warm lemon or lime water first thing in the morning before breakfast provides your body with antioxidants, electrolytes and rehydrates your body after a long night of sleep.

25 Benefits of Lemons and Limes

1. Aids digestion Drink a cup of warm lemon or lime water before meals to activate hydrochloric acid (HCL) and enzyme activity, alleviate heartburn and constipation, and create an alkaline environment.

Gelatin: A protein rich superfood that conquers food allergies, insomnia, arthritis - plus much more

Back in the 1950s, Jello molds were all the rage in the United States and many of us have disturbing memories of these artificial creations. Certainly not consumed for health, Jello actually has a little known secret buried amongst the sugar and toxic dyes: When gelatin is pure, it's actually quite good for you. Strip away the additives and a powerful healing food is revealed.

Jump to the 1970s when people began to make the connection between plain gelatin consumption and lustrous hair, strong nails and healthy teeth. Take a step further into the present day and real food advocates have uncovered further benefits which grant gelatin a superfood status.

{Paleo-Friendly} Warming Vegan Chai

Next time you are savoring a creamy cup of Indian chai tea, here's something to ponder: The characteristic spicy flavor is also what makes chai outrageously healthy. Cinnamon, ginger, clove, anise and black tea are superfoods in their own right and should be enjoyed often. What better way than in a delicious, warming brew? The trick is to make your own -- commercial varieties are loaded with sugar, pasteurized dairy and other unsavory ingredients which negate any health enhancing features.

The spice of life

Chai is unique in its complexity of flavor and nutritional bounty. Cinnamon, ginger, clove and anise are the main spicy stars of the tea, although variations can be found it different regions throughout India. Each spice carries its own distinctive health enriching qualities.

Brew up a bounty of healthful benefit with coffee

A surprising trend is cropping up among the general population: drinking coffee as a powerful health promoting beverage. Not only does coffee help to boost energy and clarify the mind, research has shown it to be an important source of antioxidants. To maximize the benefit and minimize potential health risk, it is vital for individuals to be selective about the coffee they consume.

Coffee: An unexpected health-giving food

A clue to coffee's exceptional antioxidant content is found in its extreme growing environment and harvesting measures. Thought to have originated near the Horn of Africa, the coffee plant grows in some of the hottest and highest regions in the world, often times near the equator. These severe climates force the coffee plant to create formidable antioxidants that protect it from high levels of ultraviolet radiation.