Showing posts with label Traditional Chinese Medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Traditional Chinese Medicine. Show all posts

Autumn and the Season of Sorrow: Heal Grief Naturally

Through the many different avenues of loss, everyone has experienced the effects of grief. The depression and sadness that accompany sorrow can weaken the immune system which creates an opportunity for illness. Chinese medicine considers autumn to be the season of grief and sorrow, making it especially important to nurture one's health and emotional wellness during this time of year.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Tool That Heals Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Insomnia and More

(Beautiful Mind)There is a place on the human body, where a daily use of ice cube will heal you, make you younger and fill you up with energy. This place is located in the hole where neck and head are connected. Chinese acupuncture named it Feng Fu, which means “wind mansion."

15 health-enhancing reasons to enjoy clove spice every day

If you're seeking a way to prevent cancer, solve periodontal issues or add more zest to your sex life, clove may be the answer. Used throughout history and a significant herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine, clove is a common, but often overlooked, spice.

With an exceptionally high oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) and a multitude of crucial nutrients, clove is a major guardian of health. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fiber and vitamins C and K as well as calcium, magnesium and manganese, this distinct spice offers a potent defense against many of the ailments plaguing us today. Manganese is of particular interest, as it activates a variety of important enzymes within the body and plays a role in fat metabolism. Manganese also stabilizes the nervous system - thereby alleviating depression, irritability and anxiety.

Autumn and the season of sorrow: Heal grief naturally

Through the many different avenues of loss, everyone has experienced the effects of grief. The depression and sadness that accompany sorrow can weaken the immune system which creates an opportunity for illness. Chinese medicine considers autumn to be the season of grief and sorrow, making it especially important to nurture one's health and emotional wellness during this time of year.

Adequate vitamin C is essential. Camu Camu and Amla berries are the highest source of natural vitamin C. A good quality vitamin D supplement is very important for immune function as well. For adults, The Vitamin D Council advises at least 5,000 IU per day.