Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts

Recovering from an injury? Here are my top tips

(Contributed Post)

Recovering from an injury can be a long and difficult process. It can be physically painful, but can also have an impact on your mental state, career and employment prospects, and relationships.

What to do when you have an injury

It is important to know the root of injury and pain. We need to look at the big picture as to what triggered the injury. The good news is there are steps you can take to heal fully. Once you know what caused the injury, you can assess your options and regain your health.

Steps to take if you have a reoccurring injury

Heal yourself, before healing the injury. It's important to heal the underlying causes of an injury. Many times injuries are caused by micro injuries that grow worse over time. This is why most injuries do not fully heal but are become chronic. 

Include cardiovascular activities in your exercise regime. Your workout can make a tremendous impact on recovery. Your body needs aerobic activity and non-impact exercise to recover. The increased oxygen intake and use of the muscles will help you to heal faster. Of course, we need to begin slowly and gently so that we do not aggravate the injury. This is where a physical therapist is helpful by recommending the appropriate level of exercise.

How to handle a serious injury

If you have a serious injury, you may feel unable to function or you may feel down and discouraged. To overcome this, it is important to focus on the positive and move forward. 

Talk to a medical professional. Depending on the type of injury you have, you may need additional help to recover. If you have an acute injury, such as a broken ankle, you will need immediate medical attention. Your doctor will assess your injury and decide the best treatment for you. Even if you are not an urgent case, you may still need a quick chat with a doctor so they can start to provide you with the right advice and treatment. This is particularly important if you are planning to use a personal injury law firm if your injury was caused by someone else or happened at work. 

Long-term effects 

An injury can damage your body's ability to carry out its normal daily functions, and may prevent you from returning to full physical activity for a while. This can have an effect on your outlook, and can also restrict your range of activities—including sports and leisure. It's essential to seek the support of a professional, as early and rapid treatment and rehabilitation of the injury are crucial to getting back to the very best of health, fitness, and mental well-being as quickly as possible. 

Science Says We Are Healed by Nature (And Even Houseplants)

Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you. ~Frank Lloyd Wright

Green growing things heal us in surprising ways. Communities are trying to bring plant life to areas that lack it.

Via Yes! Magazine

In some of my earliest memories, I’m perched between two branches of a plum tree that grew in front of my house. To climb, I’d grip the lowest branches and stretch my foot as high as it would reach, pulling myself up to sit comfortably in my little throne of branches. There, I’d peer through the pale purple blossoms, across the sidewalk, admiring the tops of cars.

The Healing Code: A new frontier in restoring health and preventing disease

When Dr. Alexander Loyd, a Naturopathic Doctor with a PhD in psychology, discovered an unconventional method to permanently heal his wife's struggle with clinical depression, little did he realize at the time that it would be one of the most powerful healing modalities ever known. Thousands have benefited from the technique, including terminal cancer patients and those struggling with autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease or even illnesses which have no known cure. Best of all, the healing code is simple to use and only requires a few minutes a day to complete.

A case in point of the seemingly incredible healing capacity of the codes is Dr. Ben Johnson, a cancer specialist who used the method as a last resort after being diagnosed with Lou Gehrig disease, a disorder with a high mortality rate without any known cure. After struggling with the disease for over a year, Dr. Johnson was completely symptom-free within three months of following the protocol.

Everything Doesn't Happen For A Reason

By Tim Lawrence

(The Adversity Within) I emerge from this conversation dumbfounded. I've seen this a million times before, but it still gets me every time. 

I’m listening to a man tell a story. A woman he knows was in a devastating car accident; her life shattered in an instant. She now lives in a state of near-permanent pain; a paraplegic; many of her hopes stolen.

He tells of how she had been a mess before the accident, but that the tragedy had engendered positive changes in her life. That she was, as a result of this devastation, living a wonderful life.

And then he utters the words. The words that are responsible for nothing less than emotional, spiritual and psychological violence:

Everything happens for a reason. That this was something that had to happen in order for her to grow.

That's the kind of bullshit that destroys lives.

And it is categorically untrue.

Essential Oils and Brain Injuries — What You Are Not Being Told

Did you know that our sense of smell is the only sense directly tied to the limbic area of the brain, which is considered the emotional control center? This means that when essential oils are inhaled, they go directly to the brain. Our other four senses — taste, sight, touch and hearing — are first routed through the thalamus before reaching designated areas of the brain. Because the limbic system is directly connected to the parts of the brain that control heart rate, blood pressure,breathing, memory, stress levels, and hormone balance, therapeutic-grade essential oils can have unbelievable physiological and psychological effects.

A Poem A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Imagine receiving a poem instead of a standard prescription during your next doctor visit. Used to assist cancer patients and adolescents; those struggling with autism, depression or the dark avenues of grief -- poetry therapy is a powerful method of healing. Through the act of creating a poem or reading aloud specific verse that echo's experience, a harmonious equilibrium is encouraged for both body and mind.

Discover the ancient secrets and modern magic of garlic

Medicinal use of garlic has been well documented around the world and throughout history. Modern science supports many health claims of the ancients while also revealing newly discovered benefits of garlic. The strong bioactive components that support cardiovascular and immune system health are well known; yet many are unaware of the superior nutritional properties of garlic, which make this common bulb a truly supernatural food.

Native to central Asia, garlic has been grown for over 5000 years. Garlic was revered by the ancient Egyptians, who appear to have been the first to have cultivated this plant. Not only was garlic considered sacred and placed in the tombs of Pharaohs, but it was also used for strength and endurance. Ancient Greek and Roman athletes used garlic before sporting events while soldiers ate it before battle. Hippocrates, considered to be the "Father of Medicine," used garlic to heal cancerous tumors.

Autumn and the season of sorrow: Heal grief naturally

Through the many different avenues of loss, everyone has experienced the effects of grief. The depression and sadness that accompany sorrow can weaken the immune system which creates an opportunity for illness. Chinese medicine considers autumn to be the season of grief and sorrow, making it especially important to nurture one's health and emotional wellness during this time of year.

Adequate vitamin C is essential. Camu Camu and Amla berries are the highest source of natural vitamin C. A good quality vitamin D supplement is very important for immune function as well. For adults, The Vitamin D Council advises at least 5,000 IU per day.

Common backyard weed may curb cancer risk

Steve 'Wildman' Brill loves to forage for food. Along with Medicine Hunter Chris Kilham, Brill set out to Central Park in New York City to locate peppergrass growing wild. Brill believes the plant blocks carcinogens and may help prevent cancer by protecting cells. As part of the mustard family, peppergrass shares many similar anticancer attributes. The sharp taste of mustard seed is due to isothiocyanates and thiocyanates -- compounds that demonstrate antibacterial, antifungal and anticarcinogenic properties. The fiery tasting seed, leaf and root of peppergrass contain these same health enhancing substances. Peppergrass also helps to clear toxins from the body.  Read more »