Say Goodbye to Dieting—Find Your Rhythm and Shed Extra Pounds Effortlessly with Bio-Circadian Nutrition

It's a familiar story with many: the diet saga. Whether skipping meals or eliminating carbohydrates, 100 percent raw or paleo—the options are endless in the promise of slimming down and winning the battle of the bulge for good. A little known, yet elegant strategy is beginning to emerge, however: bio-circadian nutrition. The idea is simple. Align yourself with natural physiological rhythms and say farewell to fad diets, strange weight loss regimes and popping endless pills.

Take a cue from traditional cultures

In our fast-paced, frantically productive lives, we are often blind to the subtle prompts of the body. We launch out of bed in the morning stressed, frazzled and overwhelmed, skipping breakfast and heading straight for Starbucks to gulp down our fix. Lunch tends to be light and rushed then we wonder why we need a serious hit of caffeine and sugar mid afternoon. A heavy evening meal follows and we collapse into bed on a full stomach. To make matters worse, we feel sluggish, foggy and fat.

Four Unusual Superfood Smoothies That Can Change Your Life for the Better

Smoothies have been in fashion for quite some time now as a quick, nutrient dense and health-inspiring way to keep the body humming and happy. Even so, it's easy to fall into a rut and miss out on a world of unusual combinations that act as potent functional foods. Whether taming inflammation, guarding against cancer or boosting energy, the following four examples can breathe new life into your daily smoothie habit.

The Hidden Dangers of Going Gluten-Free—Here's How to Avoid the Pitfalls

Gluten-free diets are sweeping the nation as more people become aware of the dangers of the problematic protein found in wheat, rye and barley. While their intentions may be for the best, many are falling into the trap of "junk gluten-free" -- foods high in sugar, starch, additives and genetically modified (GM) ingredients. Concerned health advocates believe that in the quest to eliminate gluten from the diet, individuals are, in actuality, exchanging one problematic food for another.

The role GMOs play in food intolerance

Gluten sensitivity is certainly on the rise, and GM food is firmly placed as one of the main aggravators of the condition. As reported in the article "Incidence of gluten sensitivity skyrocketing in the U.S. - Are GMOs to blame?":

"Jeffrey Smith's documentary Genetic roulette: The gamble of our lives reveals how GMOs destroy the digestive tract of mammals. Smith believes that the Bt toxin found in genetically modified food actually creates holes in the gut lining, leading to leaky gut syndrome. This may explain why gluten intolerance has become prevalent since GMOs were introduced into the food supply."

Sacred Anger: How to Work With Rage in Uncertain Times

When faced with injustice, most of us have experienced that unmistakable feeling of outrage. There’s certainly plenty of material to choose from — GMOs slipped into the food supply, planetary destruction, governmental and corporate corruption, police shootings, oil spills, mafia-like pharmaceutical companies. The list could go on forever. And while most spiritual traditions largely classify anger as damaging and unskillful, one Buddhist teacher is taking the road less traveled by exploring the beneficial aspects of those times when we see red.

A Water Recipe That Literally Flushes Fat

(Natural Blaze)

By Alana Ketler

You may have heard some of the hype about “Fat Flush Water.” But how exactly does water flush fat out of your system? Clearly, water is not some kind of magic diet supplement. Your body needs enough water everyday to keep hydrated and cleanse itself of unwanted materials. Fat deposits that form on the body can be tough to break down and eliminate, but proper nutrition and exercise can help greatly with this.

Fat is broken down when the body uses its fat deposits to produce energy, the triglycerides in the fat cells are removed. Then, these are broken down into fatty acids and glycerols and are then absorbed into your muscle tissue and internal organs where they are then broken down even further through various chemical processes. If the products leftover from these chemical processes are not used by the body as energy, they are then considered waste products and need to be removed from the body. This is where the role of water comes in.

Big Pharma and Organized Crime — They Are More Similar Than You May Think

“It is scary how many similarities there are between this [pharmaceutical] industry and the mob. The mob makes obscene amounts of money, as does this industry. The side effects of organized crime are killings and deaths, and the side effects are the same in this industry. The mob bribes politicians and others, and so does the drug industry …” ~ former Vice-President of Pfizer pharmaceuticals ¹

If you believe pharmaceutical corporations hold the health of the general public in high regard, it’s time to reconsider. The industry is filled with examples of wrongful death, extortion, fraud, corruption, obstruction of justice, embezzlement, fake journals, harassment and hit lists that would make even the most hardened Mafia godfather blush. Big Pharma has been fined billions by the U.S. Department of Justice, but these enormous fines don’t curb the corruption, it’s just looked upon as “the cost of doing business,” similar to paying the utilities.

8 Tools to Open Your Heart and Encourage a More Joyful life

Isn’t it wonderful when the heart is in balance, where feelings of love and appreciation, connectedness and compassion take center stage? But when this energetic center is off-kilter, a darker side emerges and we experience periods of depression, anger, jealousy, resentment or bitterness.

Mainly, we just feel ornery towards ourselves and those around us. If you would like to break this pattern of unpleasantness — or simply give your heart chakra a well-deserved tuneup — the following eight practices can help.