Fulvic Acid: The Amazing Health Secret You've Never Heard About

If you would like to live to a healthy, ripe old age, take a cue from some of the most long-lived (and robust) people on the planet by consuming a diet rich in fulvic acid. Formed over thousands of years from microorganisms' decomposed organic matter, fulvic acid is at once nourishing and detoxifying. Offering outstanding protection against cognitive impairment, heavy metals and numerous health complaints - including diabetes, inflammation and chronic fatigue - fulvic acid has kept the Himalayan communities of India, Nepal and Pakistan sharp and resilient for centuries.

The Healing Code: Radically Improve Your Health With This Powerful Practice

If you had access to a single tool that would solve all your health issues — including those of the life-threatening sort — would you use it? How about if it was inexpensive and took less than 20 minutes a day? The healing code is a cutting-edge protocol that delivers on the above promise and more. Not to be confused with Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique or other modes of energetic treatment, the healing code utilizes a combination of specific statements and energy points on the body to trigger profound healing. Easy to use -- yet powerful in effect -- the healing code is changing the way we approach disease.

DIY Outdoor Stove, Oven, Grill and Smoker—All For Only $300

By Owen Geiger

(Mother Earth News) This DIY, wood-fired, outdoor masonry stove can be used four ways: for baking, grilling, cooking, and smoking. Whatever your cooking needs, our outdoor stove/oven/grill/smoker can do it, thanks to interchangeable grill grates and griddle surfaces. If you want to grill steaks or fish, use the grill grate. If you want to bake bread, slide on the steel griddle, stack some bricks on top to retain heat and add the door to hold in the heat. If you want to use the stove top, just slide the metal plate (or griddle) over the top of the firebox.

Preventing and Reversing Cancer Naturally: The Anticancer Diet Shopping List

(GreenMed Info)

By Gary Null, PhD

This year alone, nearly 600,000 Americans will lose their lives to cancer. Recent estimates tell us that 41 percent of all Americans will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetimes and 21 percent of the population will lose their lives to this devastating disease.[1] A new report released by the World Health Organization's (WHO) forecasts that by 2035, an incredible 24 million people will be diagnosed with cancer globally.[2] These numbers reflect the need for a complete overhaul of our approach to cancer.

Dying to be Healthy - Many Protein Powders Laced with Heavy Metals, MSG

Commercial protein powders and shakes are a popular choice among fitness crowds as well as busy professionals, moms and pregnant women. On the surface, these expedient snacks and meals appear innocent, but upon closer examination, are fraught with health harming toxins. Whether contaminated with heavy metals, MSG or allergy triggers, taking a second look at this fashionable convenience food is worthwhile.

A Natural Approach to Weight Loss

(Women to Women)
by Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP 

Over the years I’m sure I’ve lost over 100 pounds — the same 10 pounds, 10 times! And so many of my patients tell me the same thing, I wonder how many American women (and their daughters) are on a diet on any given day. We spend billions of dollars a year on diets and weight loss products, yet nearly two-thirds of us are overweight — a trend that’s steadily inching upwards along with our waistlines!

Never mind that all these weight loss efforts don’t work, we are putting ourselves through hell to get nowhere. I’ve seen women willing to sacrifice just about anything to lose weight – even their health and well-being. But when I tell women I have a solution for them that doesn’t involve suffering or a magical pill, many say, “Oh, come on, Marcelle, can I really lose weight the natural way?”

Top 6 Supplements to Boost Your Pineal Gland Function

(Food Matters) The pineal gland, an endocrine gland located in the brain, is said to be the seat of the soul. Also referred to as the Third Eye, this small gland is believed to be involved in reaching higher levels of consciousness, acting as a gateway to dimensions beyond our brain-created reality.

For the people that seek to fully activate their spiritual potential and tap into the power of the pineal gland, one must begin by strengthening its function though detoxification and proper nutrition. Researchers are finding that in many people, due to our poor diet with pesticide and chemical-laden foods and environmental toxins such as fluoride in our water, the pineal gland and our entire bodies are becoming exposed to many more toxins and nano-organisms than ever before. These form calcium shells around themselves for protection from our immune systems which has resulted in calcification of the pineal gland, a build-up of calcium phosphate crystals in various parts of the human body. Many of us have a pineal gland that is already completely calcified. This does not fare well when we try to tap into the esoteric capabilities of this gland through yoga practice, meditation, using plant medicines such as ayahuasca, and so forth. The process of detoxification is an essential place to start if we want to exploit our full spiritual capabilities.