Is a HAARP Weather Weapon Causing the California Drought?

(Truthsteam Media) Radar events off the West Coast show why California is steeped in drought. Here’s a look at several events on the West Coast radar that definitely beg the question of whether or not we are all living in a James Bond movie where the weather is no longer a natural occurrence — and the California drought is an engineered disaster.

From artificial scarcity to pushing the man made global warming agenda…to higher prices for basic resources like water and food…to betting on weather derivatives on Wall St. and huge crop insurance payoffs…there are plenty of ways for corrupt people in high places to hold the rest of us hostage in order to make a cynical buck.

The Ebola and selenium connection—how a deficiency of this important mineral can make you susceptible to infectious disease

(Vaccine Resistance Movement) Selenium is an essential trace mineral and anti-oxidant, a primary stop-gap which enables the human body to adapt to (overcome) any viral infections circulating in the environment, and helps to prevent the typical Ebola-type symptoms (chiefly excessive hemorrhaging) from taking hold and ultimately killing the host.

Selenium helps regulate thyroid function and your overall metabolism, primarily by preventing an over-abundance of free-radicals in the body, converts T4 (free thyroxine) to T3 (triiodothyronine), supported by Vitamin E. Selenium deficiency also inhibits the body’s ability to process nutrients effectively.

This Is why you have seasonal depression and 8 foods to fix it

(Real Farmacy) It happens every year and despite what you’ve been told, it is NOT in your head. People from all over the world suddenly find themselves severely depressed. It’s not a coincidence. This is a very real chemical disorder called seasonal affective disorder (SAD) no pun intended. It has baffled scientists for years but now a team of researchers may have finally answered the age old question.

Factors that may increase your risk of seasonal affective disorder include:

-Being female. SAD is diagnosed more often in women than in men, but men may have more-severe symptoms.

Scientists create candy that's good for teeth

(Medical Xpress) Dentists warn us that too many sweets can cause cavities. In fact, it’s not candy, but bacteria on the tooth surface that cause tooth decay. If you reduce the amount of cavity-causing bacteria, the number of cavities should decrease. Christine Lang of the Berlin biotech firm ORGANOBALANCE and her colleagues have developed a candy that can do this. This candy contains dead bacteria that bind to the bacteria most likely to cause cavities. Subjects who ate the candy had reduced levels of “bad” bacteria in their mouths. The research appears in Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins.

After you eat, bacteria attached to the surface of your teeth release acid. Slowly, this acid dissolves your tooth enamel. As the enamel wears down, cavities can develop. The strain of bacteria most likely to cause cavities is mutansstreptococci. When you chew, you shed mutans streptococci into your saliva. Swallowing or spitting removes some of the bacteria from your mouth after you finish chewing. The remaining bacteria reattach themselves to your teeth.

Cupuacu fruit is a natural pharmacy and fountain of youth rolled into one

Part of the same Theobroma botanical genus as cacao, cupuacu (koo-poo-ah-soo) is a watermelon-sized Amazonian superfruit that is renowned for its capacity to dissolve body fat, minimize the effects of aging and boost cognitive function. It even holds great promise in attacking colon cancer cells. Healers of the Amazon rainforest have long recognized the benefits of cupuacu. And now savvy health enthusiasts are discovering the outstanding perks of the fruit as well.

What other fruit can lower cholesterol and blood pressure, spark natural weight loss and ease pain and inflammation while improving emotional outlook and memory? Add to this the benefits of radiant hair and skin, a strong immune system, fortification against cancer and a reduction of digestive distress, and it's no wonder that cupuacu is referred to as nature's ultimate pharmacy and fountain of youth.

A time-honored superfruit with remarkable healing properties

U.S. bipolar rates soar despite heavy use of psychiatric drugs, natural alternatives may prove more effective

America has one of the highest rates of bipolar disease in the world with a staggering 5.7 million adults diagnosed. Characterized by periods of bone crushing depression swinging to cycles of mania, the disorder can destroy families and finances while shortening lifespan due to high suicide rates. Yet the disease has varying degrees of severity and often goes unrecognized. To make matters worse, the mainstream medical establishment consistently advocates pharmaceutical drugs as a universal panacea. Sadly, these treatments are rife with side-effects. In response, many are beginning to seek alternatives to conventional medicine - and finding success with natural remedies.

Cycles of heaven and hell

From Dave Matthews to Danny DeVito: Stars Show Why GMO Labeling is a No-Brainer in This Hilarious Video

The “Right to Know” whether our food is genetically modified is something that’s not afforded to us in America, despite the fact that labels on foods containing GMOs are mandated in 60+ countries around the world.

And while companies have begun voluntarily labeling them, there is much concern over whether they’re telling the truth (as this recent fiasco involving a popular tortilla chip company showed).

This November, voters in two key states, Colorado and Oregon, will decide whether or not to label GMOs in landmark votes.

Both campaigns are being badly outspent due to huge donations from Monsanto and Big Food, but Colorado in particular is getting hammered, with over $11 million spent to hide information from consumers about whether or not there are GMOs in their food so far, compared with just $441,000 on the pro-labeling side.