Edible schoolyards and healthy cooking lessons - Growing fresh solutions for childhood obesity

(NaturalNews) Purple carrots, raspberry bushes and a bounty of schoolyard-grown vegetables are sprouting up around the nation. Edible schoolyards are teaching children about sustainability, nutrition and the fun of growing, cooking and eating their own food. As more of these gardens germinate from an idea to a full fledged classroom, children learn about wholesome food choices -- helping to curb childhood obesity. Continue »

Discover the gateway to remarkable health with a diet rich in color

(NaturalNews) Consuming a diet rich in naturally colorful foods not only is beautiful but encourages ultimate health balance. Enjoying a variety of each color group provides a powerful defense against disease and environmental stressors. Scientific research has confirmed the importance of consuming a broad spectrum of fruits and vegetables to protect and enhance physical well being. Continue »

GMOs - Suspected culprit in devastating 'fiber disease'

(NaturalNews) Straight out of a sci-fi horror film, a mysterious disease that produces sores, rashes and sharp fibers beneath the skin may be linked with genetically modified organisms. Along with bug-like crawling sensations, Morgellon's disease causes other alarming symptoms: extreme chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, short-term memory loss and impaired thought processing; attention deficit, bipolar and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Severe depression and a propensity toward suicide are also common. Continue »

Stop hair loss and damage with these natural remedies

(NaturalNews) Americans are not known for their lush locks and it is no wonder -- their diet tends to be high in harmful fats, laden with sugar and heavy in animal protein along with dairy. All these foods contribute to hair loss and breakage according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Harsh shampoo as well as chemicals in the water aren't helping the matter either. But there's hope. By revamping the diet, adding a few supplements and introducing shampoo-free cleansing, a healthy head of hair is possible. Continue » 

Thrive Short Order | Shaved Fennel Salad with Arugula and White Balsamic

Fennel is one of those vegetables we don't tend to hear much about these days. A shame, really, as the raw crunch and unique sweetness is a nice paring for warm weather. Combined with arugula along with a light balsamic vinaigrette and this recipe comes together in a flash. Not only that, but it's a nutritional powerhouse, chock-full of vitamin A and C as well as iron from the greens. And chipotle pepper adds a surprising smoky kick. Use as a side for grilled chicken or fish. It can certainly hold its own as a light meal too. Whichever you choose, make sure to share with good conversation and friendship.

Fukushima update - North American food supply poisoned along Pacific Coast

(NaturalNews) If you live on the West Coast of the U.S. or Canada, you may want to reconsider your water filtration method as well as how you select and prepare food. Evidently, the nightmare of Fukushima is far from over - another 16 million years to be exact. Due to the astonishingly long half-life of iodine-129, the whole ecosystem of the Pacific Coast will be contaminated pretty much forever.

Among other dangerous radioactive isotopes released from the Fukushima meltdown, iodine-129 also spewed forth from the damaged reactor. Incredibly, this isotope has a half-life of 16 million years. Essentially, the entire West Coast food supply of North America will be contaminated with radiation for unlimited generations. We have fundamentally entered into a new way of life - one that takes a giant leap toward illness, disease and heightened mortality rates. Read more »