Wash Radiation, Heavy Metals and Other Health-Harming Poisons Down the Drain with a Detoxifying Soak

Therapeutic baths are a simple, inexpensive and effective way to keep the body and spirit in top form. Radioactive poisons, heavy metals and other hazardous substances are safely removed from the system without overburdening internal organs or triggering an uncomfortable healing crisis. Stress and tension are relieved as well -- providing yet another health advantage. An enjoyable and potent therapy, restorative baths are an excellent addition to any healing protocol.

Genetics Have Little Influence Over Health, Top Stem Cell Biologist Asserts

Bruce Lipton believes 98 percent of all illness is environmental, while a mere two percent of disease can be traced to genetic disposition. Working as a stem cell researcher at Stanford University, Lipton uncovered a startling truth: Our genetic composition has very little influence on health whereas the impact of chemistry within the body is far-reaching. The key to unlocking exceptional wellness is actually found in the subconscious mind -- if we reprogram our negative thought habits, we create a new internal chemistry where spontaneous healing and vibrant health are possible.

Government-backed Egg Lobby Tried to Crack Food Startup, Emails Show

The American Egg Board provided 14,000 eggs for the annual White House Easter egg roll this year.
Photo Credit: The Guardian

( The Guardian) A US government-appointed agricultural body tried to crush a Silicon Valley food startup after concluding the company represented a “major threat” and “crisis” for the $5.5bn-a-year egg industry, according to documents obtained by the Guardian.

GM Golden Rice: Miracle or Menace? Top Activists Speak Out

Supporters of genetically modified crops have a new darling to advocate, this time under the name "Golden Rice." Touted as a miracle for starving countries, the saffron colored rice is designed to prevent blindness caused by vitamin A deficiency. Once again, the crusade to promote yet more Frankenfare has scientists and mainstream media joining the ranks, lending so-called credibility to the product. Conveniently forgotten, however, are the solutions to hunger and illness which tend to be far superior economically, nutritionally and environmentally.

25 Habits Of People Who Are Happy, Healthy & Successful

(MindBodyGreen) Who among us doesn't want to be a happy, healthy and successful human being? Still, it can be easy to lose your way, which is why I've compiled a list of habits you can use to help reach your goals.

So what is it about happy people that makes them the way they are? Below are just some of the ways they separate themselves from the rest of the crowd.

Savor the Heart Healthy Benefits of Raw Almond-Cherry Cookies with Cacao and Hemp Seed {Gluten-free, Paleo, Vegan}

Heart health can easily be cultivated by intelligent choices of specific nutrient dense foods. Certain nuts, fruits and seeds, as well as cacao, create a winning recipe for vibrant health.

Rich in the antioxidant vitamin E along with an abundance of flavonoids, monounsaturated fat, and fiber, almonds supply fantastic nutrition for maintaining a strong and healthy heart. Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the consumption of almonds with their skins significantly lowered cholesterol levels. The synergy of vitamin E and flavonoids in the skin of almonds appears to be the key. Almonds also reduce C-reactive protein, which is an indicator of inflammation that damages the arteries. By soaking nuts overnight with a pinch of Himalayan or Celtic sea salt, nutrients are preserved and digestibility is enhanced.

Ultimate Brain Food - Increase Memory, Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer's and Protect Against Multiple Sclerosis with Ginger


Ginger root is a well-recognized health marvel, mending everything from inflammation to cancer to diabetes. But did you know that it can also improve brain function? In our demanding world, acute cognitive ability is essential. Fortunately, ginger is an outstanding ally in the quest for enhanced memory and clarity. Moreover, it plays a substantial role in guarding against brain oxidative stress and neurological disease.