GMOs encourage weight gain and obesity, researchers discover

Looking around, it's no secret that Americans are putting on the pounds unlike any other time in history. Sure, we can't discount sedentary lifestyles, processed foods and outrageous sugar consumption as contributing factors. At the same time, an elephant in the room is often overlooked -- one known as genetically modified food. Researches are beginning to connect the dots, realizing that the possibility of GMOs contributing to weight gain is not as far-fetched as once thought.

Kick influenza and colds to the curb with garlic

An easy, inexpensive and beneficial remedy for the cold and flu season could be as near as your food pantry. Commonly known as "Russian penicillin," garlic has been used throughout history for everything from stomachaches to parasites and leprosy. In fact, the ancient Ebers Papyrus documents no less than 32 illnesses that respond to the herb. However, garlic really shines when we use it to stay healthy and flu-free while the rest of the masses sneeze and cough away. And what better way to reap the benefits of this odorous bulb than with a traditional 52-clove garlic soup or gingered garlic tea?

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Meet the new deal, same as the old deal

By Billy McMahon

(The Observer) In August of this year, I traveled deep into rebel territory in Chiapas, Mexico, to the jungle compound of “La Realidad” — a major base of operations for the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. I was welcomed by the masked revolutionaries and invited to stay as long as I liked. They called me “compañero” and asked me to write of their global struggle against neoliberal capitalism, which they call the War Against Oblivion. Their 20 years of rebellion began on January 1, 1994 — the day the North American Free Trade Agreement went into effect. From union halls in Chicago to rebel villages in Chiapas, the new era of global “free trade” has been denounced as an affront to workers’ rights and human dignity.

GMOs: respected analyst says they could destroy life on the planet

(Alliance for Natural Health) Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a scholar, statistician, Wall Street analyst and advisor, professor at New York University, and the bestselling author of Fooled by Randomness  and The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable. He predicted the 2008 financial crisis by pointing out that commonly used risk models were wrong. (He was correct, and he became quite wealthy from the strategic financial decisions he made at that time.)

Now his analysis of our use of genetically modified organisms shows that GMOs could cause “an irreversible termination of life at some scale, which could be the planet.” Taleb and his two co-authors argue that calling the GMO approach “scientific” betrays “a very poor—indeed warped—understanding of probabilistic payoffs and risk management.”

Taleb believes GMOs fall squarely under the rule that we should always err on the side of caution if something is really dangerous. This is not just because of potential harm to the consumer, but because of systemic risk to the system, which in this case is the ecosystem that supports all life on the planet:

Mighty healing in a tiny package—unleash the power of mustard seed for cancer, inflammation and more

A familiar staple in Indian food, mustard seed is much more than a peppery-tasting spice. It also addresses a number of health ailments, including: cancer, asthma, weight gain and hair issues -- as well as variety of other concerns. Ingesting the seed is one method for reaping the benefits, taking a detoxifying bath with mustard powder is another. For inflammatory conditions, applying mustard oil topically helps to relieve arthritis and skin complaints. However you choose to employ this unassuming seed, be assured that a powerful remedy is right at your fingertips.

Shatter stone herb cleanses liver, dissolves kidney and gallbladder stones

If you struggle with kidney stones, or feel your liver could use a tune-up, a small Amazonian berry offers a powerful solution. A popular herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a favorite of naturopaths worldwide, Phyllanthyus niruri (chanca piedra or "shatter stone" in Spanish) is known for supporting kidney, bladder, liver and gallbladder health. The berry also demonstrates significant antioxidant properties, lowers blood pressure, balances blood sugar and is effective in treating over 90 different issues. Needless to say, this versatile herb may seem like a miracle when health is less than perfect.

A painless answer to kidney and gallbladder stones

Revered throughout Central and South America, chanca piedra can be a godsend for those contending with stones in the kidney or gallbladder. Repeatedly found to inhibit, and even dissolve, calcium oxalate crystals (the main component of kidney stones), the berry helps individuals sidestep the painful - and sometimes dangerous - experience of passing large stones. It also reduces spasmodic activity in the kidneys, bladder and ureter, which further assists in smoothly expelling stones from the system. The ancient medical system of Ayurveda also recognizes the herb as a premiere remedy for discouraging stone formation. And Traditional Chinese Medicine uses the berry to address liver complaints.

Cannabis dissolves cancerous tumor in young infant, deemed a 'miracle baby' by physician

Instead of opting for chemotherapy and radiation in an attempt to shrink an inoperable brain tumor, the father of an eight-month-old baby pushed for alternative treatment with cannabis oil. The baby's physician, Dr. William Courtney, was initially skeptical early in his career about cannabis as medicine but has since seen such impressive results that he's now a staunch advocate for its use.
"They were putting cannabinoid oil on the baby's pacifier twice a day, increasing the dose... And within two months there was a dramatic reduction, enough that the pediatric oncologist allowed them to go ahead with not pursuing traditional therapy," said Dr. Courtney in an interview with The Huffington Post.