Europe embraces healthy raw dairy by unveiling fresh milk vending machines

As the U.S. government continues to wage war on raw dairy products, several European countries have done just the opposite by expanding access to the food through unpasteurized milk vending machines. Taking to heart findings from current research, Europe has recognized the exceptional health benefits of raw dairy and subsequently promoted it. Compared with pasteurized and homogenized dairy, raw milk offers a wealth of nutrition—all without the drawbacks of oxidized fats, denatured proteins, antibiotics or growth hormones.

Food freedom and the right to choose

Want to maximize supplement absorption? Try transdermal nutrients

More effective than oral supplements in many situations, topical application of nutrients is often an overlooked (although superior) method of delivery. Whether using magnesium oil for debilitating arthritis, iodine to heal skin cancer or water soluble vitamins for general health, topical creams, gels, oils and sprays are one of the best ways to receive vitamins and minerals that are crucial for healthy well-being.

The dilemma with tablets and pills

For those with a compromised digestive tract or failing health, metabolizing vitamins and minerals orally can be fraught with difficulties. Between digestive upset, poor utilization and the aggravation of yeast and bacterial issues in the gut, supplements taken internally can be problematic. An alternative lies with a transdermal mode of delivery.

Coconut Sugar: Enjoy the New Star Among Low Glycemic Sweeteners

Coconut sugar emerges as an environmental and nutritional champion of low glycemic sweeteners. This is promising news for those concerned with health issues such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer and gallstones.

Produced by slicing the bud off the flowering part of the coconut and collecting the sap (nectar) into containers, the sap is then boiled in a kettle or by using low-temperature vacuum evaporation to create coconut sugar crystals. Amazingly, coconut palm trees can produce fruit and nectar for up to 70 years.

According to Bruce Fife, ND, Director of the Coconut Research Center and author of "Coconut Cures":

CDC cover-up: Polio vaccine contaminated with cancer causing virus

Yet another serious health disorder has been associated with vaccines. This time, it's cancer. Apparently the connection came to light when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) abruptly deleted a fact page on their website linking cancer with simian virus 40 (SV40) found in polio vaccines. Disturbingly, it's estimated that well over 98 million Americans are now infected with this cancer promoting virus - and the numbers are likely growing.

Deadly repercussions

According to the excised CDC page:

- More than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine from 1955 to 1963 when a proportion of vaccine was contaminated with SV40; it has been estimated that 10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of vaccine.

What your gray hair may be telling you

When Ann Wigmore was in her 50s, she was riddled with health issues and had a full head of gray hair. She then began a life-changing journey of living foods, which included green smoothies and ample shots of wheatgrass. Before long, she regained her health along with a fresh glow. Interestingly, her hair returned to its youthful color as well. Considering the condition of the hair reflects nutritional status and overall vitality, Ann Wigmore's dramatic transformation isn't surprising. In light of this, it's important to keep in mind that premature graying hair is much more than a cosmetic concern, it can indicate serious nutritional deficiencies and foreshadow a future of disease.

Discover the ancient secrets and modern magic of garlic

Medicinal use of garlic has been well documented around the world and throughout history. Modern science supports many health claims of the ancients while also revealing newly discovered benefits of garlic. The strong bioactive components that support cardiovascular and immune system health are well known; yet many are unaware of the superior nutritional properties of garlic, which make this common bulb a truly supernatural food.

Native to central Asia, garlic has been grown for over 5000 years. Garlic was revered by the ancient Egyptians, who appear to have been the first to have cultivated this plant. Not only was garlic considered sacred and placed in the tombs of Pharaohs, but it was also used for strength and endurance. Ancient Greek and Roman athletes used garlic before sporting events while soldiers ate it before battle. Hippocrates, considered to be the "Father of Medicine," used garlic to heal cancerous tumors.