Showing posts with label Micro-Gardens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Micro-Gardens. Show all posts

Launch A Revolution From Your Backyard With An Mini Eco-Farm

From edible landscaping to biointensive gardening, Americans around the nation are discovering the financial beauty of creating practical solutions to our food woes. Beyond the dangers of GMO's and industrial farming, a basic fact remains: food costs are skyrocketing. Savvy individuals are recognizing the value in growing their own food to ensure nutritious, organic, and cost-effective produce. A revolution is quietly gaining momentum in backyards across America that resists dangerous farming practices, nutritionally depleted produce and increasingly restrictive governmental control over our food supply.

Cultivate Health, Wealth, and Happiness With Sustainable Micro-Gardens

As food and fuel costs continue to rise, while concerns about conventionally grown produce increase, micro-gardening has become a hot trend among urbanites. Using an array of creative measures, these organic miniature gardens not only provide nutrient dense, locally grown food, but also create a feeling of connectedness and well-being.