(Higher Perspective) The Agriculture Ministry of Italy has decided that enough is enough and are looking to ban Monsanto’s genetically modified crops from their nation. With 80% of Italian citizens in complete support of this ban, Italy’s government doesn’t feel like it has all that much to lose.
A decree has now been signed that effectively bans Monsanto’s genetically modified corn, which is currently legally grown and sold throughout the European union. The decree isn’t a binding one just yet, but the public stands behind it in a big way. The agricultural ministry rightfully addressed one of many problems with Monsanto’s GMO crops, stating that they have a “negative impact on biodiversity.”
If European nations are able to start making moves like this, why can’t we do it here in the United States? Take a moment to thank Italy for standing up to GMO biotech corporations and spread the news of this great victory against Monsanto!
Read more at http://higherperspective.com/2015/02/italy-monsanto.html#m6iXgR8DO1J2UdWu.99
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