Baltimore's Solar-Powered Water Wheel Can Devour 50,000 Pounds of Harbor Trash Every Day

By Lucy Wang

(Inhabitat) Trash isn't a pretty sight, but Baltimore's new Water Wheel actually makes collecting garbage look cool and fun. Powered by 30 solar panels and the water current, the Water Wheel Trash Inceptor can remove a whopping 50,000 pounds of trash a day--a rate that the Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore hopes will make the harbor swimmable by 2020. Designed by Clearwater Mills' John Kellett and Daniel Chase, the solar-powered trash collector generates 2,500 watts of electricity a day, which is enough energy to power the average Maryland home.

5 Things That Happen When You Quit Eating Sugar

(Eat Local Grown) First, let’s set the record straight by saying that sugar in and of itself isn’t evil, per se. It occurs naturally in plenty of foods, including fruits and milk. With that being said, adding excess sugar to your dietary intake simply isn’t necessary. In fact, you’ll notice numerous positive things happen when you decide to quit sugar for life.

Although people living in the Western world have been trained to desire sugary treats, as well as foods that include copious amounts of sugar for flavoring, we certainly don’t need it. If you stop eating anything but naturally occurring sugars, you’ll notice that 5 very distinctive things will happen.

How to prevent and cure tooth decay naturally

If you're weary of high dentist bills -- as well as exposure to X-rays, fluoride and toxic fillings -- a natural and straightforward approach to dental health comes as a welcome relief. Considering that amalgam fillings are one of the top sources of heavy metal exposure today, with supposedly "safer" plastic options leaching a slew of noxious compounds like BPA, it's no wonder that people are fed up with the conventional "drill and fill" approach. As luck would have it, it's actually quite easy to sport a healthy smile with a few natural remedies under your belt. Fortifying from the inside out, and using time-tested techniques, you too can enjoy trouble-free dental health for a fraction of the cost of traditional dentistry.

Celery may help kill cancer

If you need another reason to add more celery into your diet, researchers have now identified a compound in the vegetable that demonstrates anti-tumor activity. Effective against several types of cancer -- including those of the pancreas, ovaries, liver, small intestine, stomach, lung and breast -- apigenin has been shown in vitro to significantly inhibit cancer cell proliferation. Although this flavonoid is present in a variety of fruits and vegetables, celery is a particularly rich source of the compound.

Eat more cultured and fermented foods if you want to be smart, slim and healthy

It's not difficult to get into a rut with food. As we rush about in our busy lives, many times nutrition takes a backseat to more pressing concerns. The regrettable cost of this shortcut? Expanding waistlines, dulled thinking and floundering immune systems. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be this way. By including a few probiotic-rich foods in our daily routine, we can greatly improve mental and physical well-being -- all without unpleasant fad diets.

Traditionally used around the globe, and cheered by modern health advocates, the art of fermentation and culturing is an easy, cost-effective method to maximize nutrition while increasing digestion and health. These foods, with their spectrum of beneficial bacteria, can be an absolute revelation for those with less than perfect physical and mental health.

Top Five Regrets of the Dying

By Bronnie Ware

For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives.

People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality. I learnt never to underestimate someone's capacity for growth. Some changes were phenomenal. Each experienced a variety of emotions, as expected, denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial and eventually acceptance. Every single patient found their peace before they departed though, every one of them.

When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five:

Daylight Savings Time May Cost You Extra—Both in Terms of Money and Health


By: Dr. Mercola

For Americans, it’s that time of the year again—time to move your clocks an hour ahead; losing a precious hour of sleep in the process. For many, the time change associated with daylight savings time1 (DST) also means spending several days or even weeks feeling generally off-kilter.