Study: Diet May Help ADHD Kids More Than Drugs

(NPR) Hyperactivity. Fidgeting. Inattention. Impulsivity. If your child has one or more of these qualities on a regular basis, you may be told that he or she has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. If so, they'd be among about 10 percent of children in the United States.

Kids with ADHD can be restless and difficult to handle. Many of them are treated with drugs, but a new study says food may be the key. Published in The Lancet journal, the study suggests that with a very restrictive diet, kids with ADHD could experience a significant reduction in symptoms.

The study's lead author, Dr. Lidy Pelsser of the ADHD Research Centre in the Netherlands, writes in The Lancet that the disorder is triggered in many cases by external factors — and those can be treated through changes to one's environment.

15 health-enhancing reasons to enjoy clove spice every day

If you're seeking a way to prevent cancer, solve periodontal issues or add more zest to your sex life, clove may be the answer. Used throughout history and a significant herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine, clove is a common, but often overlooked, spice.

With an exceptionally high oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) and a multitude of crucial nutrients, clove is a major guardian of health. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fiber and vitamins C and K as well as calcium, magnesium and manganese, this distinct spice offers a potent defense against many of the ailments plaguing us today. Manganese is of particular interest, as it activates a variety of important enzymes within the body and plays a role in fat metabolism. Manganese also stabilizes the nervous system - thereby alleviating depression, irritability and anxiety.

Cultivate exceptional health, clarity and energy with this one nutritional healing system

Nutritional balancing therapy may seem simple at first glance, but the protocol is quite powerful for healing a wide range of illness. Originally developed by Dr. Paul C. Eck in the late 1970s, the program has continued to evolve with Dr. Lawrence Wilson, who worked as an apprentice and assistant to Dr. Eck for over a decade. The therapy involves a specific diet custom-tailored for each individual, depending on a person's metabolic blueprint, as well as toxic load and deficiencies revealed through a hair analysis test. The end result is a program which balances the body and mind while providing a solid foundation for healing and health.

Curative advantages

Lemon: The quintessential cancer destroyer and all-around health tonic

After the excesses of the holiday, the unassuming lemon can offer much needed relief for an overtaxed body. Jammed packed with nutrients, this upbeat fruit is a cost-effective way to trim down, detoxify and boost vitality. Lemons also conceal a little known health secret - that is, by enjoying the entire fruit (juice, rind, pith and seeds), we can strongly discourage cancer, bone loss, hypertension and more.

Inexpensive gateway to health

Many are familiar with the famous lemon detox diet and have reaped the benefits of the protocol, such as glowing skin, better digestion and a slimmer body. However, few are aware that lemons are also an exceptionally potent treatment for thrush, parasites and calcium stones in the urinary tract.

Facts About the TransPacific Partnership and How it Will Impact Your Day-to-Day Life

(ExposeTheTPP) The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a supposed “free trade” agreement that is currently being negotiated behind closed doors by officials from the United States and 11 other countries: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has been under negotiation for 5 years.

Even though the agreement is classified as “free trade,” it only has 5 chapters that specifically deal with traditional trade issues. The remaining 24 chapters would set rules on non-trade matters that affect our daily lives, such as: food safety, internet freedom, medicine costs, job off-shoring, financial regulation, and more. Our domestic policies would be required to comply with TPP rules.

White is the new green - Discover the exceptional health advantages of white tea for cancer, inflammation and more

Green tea has received plenty of positive press over the years - and rightly so. Yet, its younger cousin is garnering significant attention as a superior brew in scientific circles. With the highest antioxidant rating of any tea - and the lowest level of fluoride - white tea offers noteworthy protection against cancer, inflammation, high cholesterol and dental plaque. It's also antifungal, antibacterial and fortifies against the ravages of aging.

Oxidation and other trivia

According to the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, "the tea leaf stays so close to its natural state, the benefit of white tea is that it contains more polyphenols, the powerful anti-oxidant that fights and kills cancer-causing cells, than any other type of tea."