Wash radiation, heavy metals and other health harming poisons down the drain with a detoxifying soak

Therapeutic baths are a simple, inexpensive and effective way to keep the body and spirit in top form. Radioactive poisons, heavy metals and other hazardous substances are safely removed from the system without overburdening internal organs or triggering an uncomfortable healing crisis. Stress and tension are relieved as well -- providing yet another health advantage. An enjoyable and potent therapy, restorative baths are an excellent addition to any healing protocol. Continue »

Create radiant health with the medicinal advantages of papaya

Named the "Fruit of the Angels" by Christopher Columbus, papaya is enjoyed around the world as a sweet tropical delight. Every part of the papaya tree and its fruit lend great therapeutic value in maintaining health and correcting bodily imbalances. Indigenous people have known of the health promoting benefits of papaya for centuries, and now the knowledge has entered into the spotlight of modern medicine.

Papaya is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. The ripe fruit provides a bounty of vitamin C, E, and A along with folate and potassium. The shining star of papaya nutrition is papain, a formidable enzyme that helps digest protein and reduce inflammation. Papain is 3 times more abundant in green papaya than fully ripened fruit. Just make sure you source organic varieties. Continue »

Genetics have little influence over health, top stem cell biologist asserts

Bruce Lipton believes 98 percent of all illness is environmental, while a mere two percent of disease can be traced to genetic disposition. Working as a stem cell researcher at Stanford University, Lipton uncovered a startling truth: Our genetic composition has very little influence on health whereas the impact of chemistry within the body is far-reaching. The key to unlocking exceptional wellness is actually found in the subconscious mind -- if we reprogram our negative thought habits, we create a new internal chemistry where spontaneous healing and vibrant health are possible. 
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Is Your Anger Killing You? Discover How to Prevent Arthritis, Cancer, Heart Attacks, Insomnia by Managing Your Anger

Most of us have been there…feeling the blinding anger provoked by a specific circumstance, encounter or injustice. Well-meant outrage followed by rage about GMOs, environmental destruction or corruption in the medical establishment, along with a host of everything else that gets under your skin. Other times your anger may manifest as an interpersonal dispute or issue with a coworker. Even the hapless stranger is fair game. It doesn’t really matter the trigger, but one aspect is certain: chronic anger is bad for health, plain and simple.
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Worried About Radiation and EMF Poisoning? Research Reveals the Humble Apple Offers Exceptional Protective and Detox Benefits

The old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” holds more truth than you may think. Whether bombarded by electromagnetic fields (EMFs) or radiation from nuclear disasters, active compounds found in apples provide a remarkable health protective shield. As an affordable superfood, this readily available fruit is a near perfect snack for staying healthy in this toxic age. Continue »

Edible schoolyards and healthy cooking lessons - Growing fresh solutions for childhood obesity

(NaturalNews) Purple carrots, raspberry bushes and a bounty of schoolyard-grown vegetables are sprouting up around the nation. Edible schoolyards are teaching children about sustainability, nutrition and the fun of growing, cooking and eating their own food. As more of these gardens germinate from an idea to a full fledged classroom, children learn about wholesome food choices -- helping to curb childhood obesity. Continue »

Discover the gateway to remarkable health with a diet rich in color

(NaturalNews) Consuming a diet rich in naturally colorful foods not only is beautiful but encourages ultimate health balance. Enjoying a variety of each color group provides a powerful defense against disease and environmental stressors. Scientific research has confirmed the importance of consuming a broad spectrum of fruits and vegetables to protect and enhance physical well being. Continue »