As we approach Thanksgiving, I wanted to include a recipe that highlights several traditional Native American superfoods. For those of you unfamiliar with mesquite flour, you are in for a treat. This novel flour is gluten free and nutrient packed. It is a rich source of protein and fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc along with the amino acid lysine. Mesquite flour has a mildly sweet, nutty flavor that lends itself well to baking. Blueberries, hazelnuts, and maple syrup were also important staples in the tribal diet. Blueberries provide ample antioxidants that help counteract free radicals and protect against cataracts, heart disease, and cancer. Hazelnuts are a wonderful source of vitamin E and folate together with carotenoids, flavonoids, and proanthocyanidins which help prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer. Although not considered an absolute superfood, maple syrup has high levels of zinc and manganese, both of which are immune boosters. More information can be found