A very dear friend of mine recently celebrated her birthday—and a cheesecake was in order. Mind you, this couldn’t be one of those run-of-the-mill type cakes. It needed to be special. And dense. Not to mention absolutely decadent. You only live once, right? The final requirement was that the cake would have to be gluten-free—an easy task, really, with so many products available now that are void of this troublesome protein.
The huckleberries were hand-picked locally by the small hands of her children. A delightful activity all around. If you haven’t had the pleasure of eating a fresh huckleberry, it’s quite similar to a blueberry. Only smaller. With more flavor. If you have a problem locating huckleberries in your neck of the woods, blueberries are a fine substitute. The recipe here is straightforward, but allow for a languid afternoon of cooking to put it together.