With spring upon us, now is an excellent time to cleanup the diet and detox the body. Cleansing the liver should be a top priority. When this organ is working properly, unwanted body fat disappears—especially around the abdominal region. With a few supplements, dietary additions and mild exercise, slimming down and boosting health will kick off the new season on the right foot.
The link between excess fat and a sluggish liver
Almost a third of the American population suffers from fatty liver disease. Obesity, diabetes, accelerated aging and heart disease are all associated with a distressed liver. When the liver—becomes clogged with excess fat and toxins from a poor diet, it begins to store fat within itself— contributing to a continuing downward spiral of inefficiency. Extra pounds then begin to appear around the abdomen. Sugar and refined carbohydrates are the main culprits, although excessive alcohol consumption can play a part in fatty liver disease as well.
Since metabolism is severely affected by a weak liver, other organs become stressed and overactive. The pancreas creates more and more insulin—eventually creating insulin resistant cells and type 2 diabetes. Metabolism slows down and toxins build in the digestive tract, triggering further weight gain and ill health. But there is a simple solution for this slew of maladies.
Change for the better
By revamping the diet, getting off the couch and utilizing a few basic supplements, the liver can be cleared and health renewed. Curbing carbohydrate consumption is the first step. Once the liver has become congested, adiponectin production is compromised. When levels of this hormone are low, insulin resistance sets in. Poor metabolism of carbohydrates follows along with excess body fat. Lowering carbohydrate intake prompts the breakdown of fat in the liver—clearing out the troublesome blockage.
Quality protein, like organic whey, is also important. Since protein unclogs the liver and activates fat burning, it is a vital to the diet. Whey protein in particular contains special peptides that raise glutathione—one of the most potent detoxifiers for the liver. Moderate exercise supports a healthy liver as well. Research has shown that regular exercise encourages glucose metabolism. This in turn improves liver function and assists in healing fatty liver disease.
Several supplements are also helpful. Acetyl-L-carnitine metabolizes fat out of the liver—enabling cells to utilize it as fuel. Pantethine, when used for six months at 600 mg per day, lowers triglycerides and heals a fatty liver. Green tea, quercetin, theanine, curcumin, hawthorn and resveratrol also mitigate this disease. Milk thistle and dandelion are excellent choices too.
Additionally, adequate fiber intake is crucial. As the liver heals and fat is dissolved, toxins are released into the digestive system. Consuming a tablespoon of supplemental fiber three times per day sweeps these poisons out of the body before they are reabsorbed.
Keeping the liver in top shape not only maintains a slim body, but overall well-being is enhanced too. When this hard working organ is clean and efficient, the only loss is excess weight. And the only gain is exceptional health.
Learn more: www.naturalnews.com/038498_belly_fat_liver_cleanse_tips.html
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