Exposed: Wikipedia Holds Bias against Natural Health

In an article by the watchdog group Alliance for Natural Health (ANH), Wikipedia entries for alternative and natural medicine are shown to consistently have severe censorship, misinformation, and vandalism. Since Wikipedia is an extremely popular reference site on the internet with over 16 million articles, this bias towards conventional medicine negatively affects the accessibility of accurate natural health information.

Wikipedia is an on-line international collaboration of volunteers who post, edit, and research a variety of topics. According to Wikipedia's Five Pillars, "articles should strive for a neutrality, cite verifiable, authoritative sources, and honor multiple points of view." Issues arise when solid, referenced information conflicts with another perspective and is edited mercilessly or deleted. Contributors have little or no accountability and can post, edit, or vandalize an entry anonymously or even under a false "expert" alias. This was seen when a prominent Wikipedia contributor was discovered to be a 24-year-old drop out posing as a tenured college professor.

Edible clay and healing with mother earth

(Dr. Sircus) Today it time to get even more serious about protecting ourselves from the health challenges of tomorrow. We need to have everything on hand at home and in our clinics that we and our patients will need to help them survive the coming world convulsion, which will leave in doubt our access to basic health services and many of the essential medicinals we will need. Personally, I am stocking up on magnesium, iodine, sodium bicarbonate, spirulina and clay and should also be doing so with whole food vitamin C. In addition, every home should have some activated charcoal.

The secret to safe and effective medicine (maintaining or returning to good health) is caught up with the question of how to fix what ails us without suffering from side effects from the medicines we use. There are certain choices we make in life and many of them take us far away from Nature and the basics of life. The earth, though, is literally our mother and has given us part of her in the form of natural medicines to fix what ails us.

Study suggests 'soul mates' have the worst relationships: Here's a better way to think about romance

Of course we've all been primed to find our soulmate and live in a state of unconditional love and unity.

But is the social conditioning around soulmates valid? Or is the concept of soulmates just a pop psychology fantasy that leads to frustration and loneliness?

One team of researchers set out to discover just how well soulmates fare in the real world of relationships.

Social psychologists have long known that people think and talk about love in a wide variety of ways. Two very common themes are: 1) viewing love as a journey that two people take together, or 2) believing in love as a perfect union that was meant to be - soulmates!

Could micro-algae free America from foreign wars, debt and environmental destruction? 'Green crude oil' and 'living buildings' may hold the secret to liberation

Next time you notice green slime growing in a pool or pond, take a second look. Incredibly, that bit of algae could be the secret to solving our war related financial difficulties and environmental troubles. As an incredible source of alternative energy, algae is used in a variety of innovative ways. Two outstanding examples include an office building utilizing a bioadaptive facade to produce energy as well as an American company that employs the power behind this tiny organism to manufacture biofuel.

$3.7 trillion price tag and counting

Warfare in Afghanistan and Iraq has created staggering debt for the American people with estimates reaching close to $4 trillion. While some believe the Afghan war was in response to the September 11 attacks, many suspect it's the result of a proposed central Asia oil pipeline which would travel through the country. And most don't doubt the war in Iraq was waged in the name of oil as well. A hefty price is paid for this 'black gold.' With these two wars alone, over 224,000 people have died directly because of the violence and many more indirectly due to the destruction of clean drinking water, healthcare and nutrition. Financial and human losses are not the only consequence of petroleum addiction—the environment is in serious jeopardy too.

BMJ Case Reports journal: Gardasil vaccine suspected in early menopause of 16-year-old girl

Continued controversy over Gardasil has emerged with a report published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) linking the vaccine with premature ovarian failure in a teenaged girl. The connection was discovered when the young Australian went into menopause after receiving the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine.

When Dr. Little first met her new patient, the 16-year-old had ceased to menstruate. In her report, Dr. Little states that the girl's menstrual cycles were normal before the Gardasil vaccination and her personal medical history did not indicate a cause for early menopause.

In the fall of 2008, the girl was injected with Gardasil; by January 2009, her menstrual cycle had become irregular. Over the next two years, her menses became extremely erratic until she stopped menstruating altogether in 2011. After several tests, which included measuring hormone levels and organ functioning, the diagnosis was "premature ovarian failure."

DIY solar food dehydrator

(Mother Earth News) More and more people are recognizing the importance of food quality in their daily lives. The freshest, ripest, tastiest and most nutritious food comes from our own gardens or local farmers. But because these high quality fruits and vegetables are seasonal, you have access to them for only a few weeks or months each year.

What do you plan to eat the rest of the year? Will you rely on industrial foods grown by strangers from all over the world and shipped thousands of miles? With increasing interest in healthy eating, sustainable local food supplies and self-reliance, many people are discovering the benefits of a solar food dehydrator.