BMJ Case Reports journal: Gardasil vaccine suspected in early menopause of 16-year-old girl

Continued controversy over Gardasil has emerged with a report published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) linking the vaccine with premature ovarian failure in a teenaged girl. The connection was discovered when the young Australian went into menopause after receiving the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine.

When Dr. Little first met her new patient, the 16-year-old had ceased to menstruate. In her report, Dr. Little states that the girl's menstrual cycles were normal before the Gardasil vaccination and her personal medical history did not indicate a cause for early menopause.

In the fall of 2008, the girl was injected with Gardasil; by January 2009, her menstrual cycle had become irregular. Over the next two years, her menses became extremely erratic until she stopped menstruating altogether in 2011. After several tests, which included measuring hormone levels and organ functioning, the diagnosis was "premature ovarian failure."

DIY solar food dehydrator

(Mother Earth News) More and more people are recognizing the importance of food quality in their daily lives. The freshest, ripest, tastiest and most nutritious food comes from our own gardens or local farmers. But because these high quality fruits and vegetables are seasonal, you have access to them for only a few weeks or months each year.

What do you plan to eat the rest of the year? Will you rely on industrial foods grown by strangers from all over the world and shipped thousands of miles? With increasing interest in healthy eating, sustainable local food supplies and self-reliance, many people are discovering the benefits of a solar food dehydrator.

The dark underbelly of sustainable development: Agenda 21

Sustainable development has been the catchphrase of the environmental movement for over 20 years and rarely are underlying motives questioned. After all, a majority of people want a healthy future, free of pollutants and global warming where the earth is protected for ourselves and subsequent generations. There is a catch, however. The underpinnings of sustainable development are rooted in Agenda 21, a body of regulations inspired by the United Nations (UN) "Earth Summit" conference in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. At first glance, the agenda looks beneficial and harmless—except for the fact that it sets forth a policy which strips individuals of freedom and controls private land unconstitutionally.

The birth of sustainable development

The United Nations conference on environment and development, often referred to as the "Earth Summit," was held in 1992 to advance sustainable development throughout the world. Agenda 21 was born out of the summit as an international standard of policy. On the surface, the agenda appears favorable—helping to save humans, wildlife and the environment from destruction through building guidelines and proper management of natural resources. But dig a bit deeper and it will soon become apparent Agenda 21 is yet another vehicle of control.

Common dehydration linked with cancer, diabetes, stroke and depression—Learn how water therapy can keep you happy and healthy

Even though we may think that we're well hydrated on any given day, the truth of the matter is that most of us aren't. The wide-spread consumption of dehydrating caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, soda and tea, make it easy to become imbalanced. By the time we have the telltale signs of thirst or a dry mouth, it's already too late. On the surface, this may not appear to be much of a problem, but the reality is that chronic dehydration, even if mild, leads to numerous health disorders - some quite serious like cancer, stroke and fatal coronary heart disease. Research has also shown that, when the body is dehydrated, fatigue sets in, while anger and mood disorders run rampant.

Hemp-Based Batteries Could Change the Way We Store Energy Forever

(Global Research) As hemp makes a comeback in the U.S. after a decades-long ban on its cultivation, scientists are reporting that fibers from the plant can pack as much energy and power as graphene, long-touted as the model material for supercapacitors. They’re presenting their research, which a Canadian start-up company is working on scaling up, at the 248th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society.

Although hemp (cannabis sativa) and marijuana (cannabis sativa var. indica) come from a similar species of plant, they are very different and confusion has been caused by deliberate misinformation with far reaching effects on socioeconomics as well as on environmental matters.

Hemp is the most universally useful plant we have at our disposal. The history of mankind’s use of hemp can be traced way back in time to between about 5000 – 7000 BC.

Seeking a medical miracle? Cannabis may hold the answer

Meet Charlotte, a young girl with Dravet syndrome who not so long ago was catatonic and experiencing over 300 seizures per week. Then cannabis entered the picture, and her life changed forever. Down to one seizure each week, Charlotte also began to walk and talk. A feeding tube had been the norm; now she feeds herself unassisted. And this is just one of many miracles attributed to this highly controversial plant.

A beneficial 'weed'

William L. Courtney, M.D. a dietary raw cannabis specialist, makes an important distinction between marijuana and cannabis. When cannabis is juiced or consumed in a raw state, the plant is a potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune stimulator -- with no psychedelic effect. According to Courtney, marijuana on the other hand is the product of human manipulation by heating the plant, which changes the chemical components of the plant into mind-altering tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Both forms have their medicinal benefit, although many believe that cannabis in a raw state is the most powerful. Ingesting raw cannabis is effective for pain, epilepsy, depression, anxiety, cancer and autism, as well as a number of different disorders involving dysfunctional immune response, like lupus.