We seem to be suffering from an extreme energy crisis in the West, namely, day-to-day chronic fatigue. With fast-paced lifestyles, sometimes it appears that coffee and sugar are an absolute necessity just to get though the day. But there's hope. We can ditch the artificial stimulants and instead cultivate true vitality with a few easy (and free) methods.
Simple tips for more zest
Do you ever dream of having plenty of energy? The reality for most is that we drag ourselves around, collapsing into bed at the end of the day for a fitful night of poor sleep. If this scenario sounds familiar, have a look at the following recommendations. Adopting one or more might just help break the fatigue cycle once and for all.
Humor - Laughter really is the best medicine when it comes to boosting energy. Blood pressure and oxygen utilization are improved with a hearty belly laugh, which in turn perks up your day.
Gratitude - Upon waking, focus for a few minutes on all the good things in life. This positive infusion will start the day on the right foot and reduce fatigue-promoting stress.
Sunlight - While most of us tend to spend much of our lives under artificial lighting, 10 minutes or so of natural sunlight can make a world of difference in energy levels. Even sitting by a sunny window will help.
Warm up - When we are cold, the body takes this as a signal to sleep. If you are feeling chilly, throw on extra clothing or increase the heat.
Get moving - Exercise is one of the finest ways to avoid fatigue. Studies have shown that brisk movement in the morning maintains energy levels throughout the day - for up to nine hours.
Stimulating scents - If we need a boost during the day, certain essential oils can help. Lemon is one of the best. One study demonstrated that the oil significantly improved participants' mood. And when we are happy, we have more energy.
Chia seeds - Forgo the afternoon shot of espresso and sustain zest with this ancient Aztec power seed. Loaded with vitamins, fiber and protein, you won't experience energy crashes with chia.
Water - Considering that even mild dehydration promotes sleepiness, try a glass or two of water when fatigue strikes. Better yet, hydrate throughout the day to avoid the problem altogether.
Power nap - Grabbing a bit of quick shut-eye is a sure-fire way to beat an afternoon slump. Aim for 10-30 minutes. Keep in mind that napping longer than 45 minutes will increase lethargy.
Stand up - Sitting hunched over a computer for hours on end restricts the diaphragm and encourages shallow breathing, leading to drowsiness and brain-fog. By taking frequent breaks to stand, stretch and breath, we encourage heightened clarity and energy. Even better, invest in a standing desk. You can learn more about the benefits here. http://www.naturalnews.com/040893_standing_desk_obesity_diabetes.html
Learn more: www.naturalnews.com/043095_boost_energy_chronic_fatigue_caffeine.html#ixzz35DnPGWA7
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