Kindle Passion, Beat The Blues And Invigorate Health With Clary Sage

Sometimes we need a lift — a dash of joy, fortification against illness or just a bit more verve. Clary sage may help. Topically, this essential oil is treasured as a stress reliever, antidepressant and aphrodisiac. It also enhances the immune system, eases headaches, calms eczema and lowers blood pressure. Seeking more joy in life? Clary sage is a classic 'euphoric'— inspiring mental states of confidence, joy and pleasure. Internally, it improves digestion and reduces inflammation. Oil pressed from clary sage is one of the most pure and stable forms of omega-3 fatty acids around. As an added benefit, active compounds in the herb wipe out bacterial infections too.

Inspire Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Transformation with Holotropic Breathwork

When LSD was deemed illegal in the United States, Stanislav Grof, MD, and his wife began looking for drug-free alternatives that would encourage altered states of consciousness. This lead to the development of Holotropic Breathwork, a technique that not only alters habitual perceptions, but also alleviates anxiety, addiction, depression, physical pain and other maladies. A powerful process, it has been shown to radically shift lives for the better.

Grow Your Own “Miracle Tree” and Enjoy a Natural Medicine Chest and Hearty Source of Survival Food Rolled Into One

Few plants offer such a complete range of benefit as Moringa oleifera with its outstanding nutritional, medicinal and detoxifying properties. Rich in all essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals along with formidable antioxidants, moringa is an exceptional health enhancing and famine eradicating superfood. According to Miracle Trees:

"Moringa is one of the world's most nutritious crops. Ounce for ounce, the leaves of moringa have more beta-carotene than carrots, more protein than peas, more vitamin C than oranges, more calcium than milk, more potassium than bananas, and more iron than spinach. . . . The multiple uses of moringa have attracted the attention of researchers, development workers, and farmers."

Biologist Explains How Marijuana Causes Tumor Cells To Commit Suicide

(NaturalNews) The therapeutic potential of cannabis appears limitless, extending far beyond just relieving nausea or pain in the terminally ill. Christina Sanchez, a molecular biologist from Compultense University in Madrid, Spain, has been studying the molecular activity of cannabinoids for more than 10 years, and during this time she and her colleagues have learned that tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the primary psychoactive component of cannabis, induces tumor cell "suicide" while leaving healthy cells alone.

Sign The Petition To Stop Killing the Environment and Our Health With Plastic

Every single piece of plastic that has ever been created since the 19th century is still somewhere on the planet today and it’s wreaking havoc with the environment and our health. 

The Biodegradable Credit Card That Fights Climate Change

(Take Part) Would you feel less guilty about whipping out your credit card if you knew buying stuff could help save the planet from climate change? Especially if that piece of plastic was biodegradable?

Here’s your chance to find out.

Cocoa butter is not just for chocolate anymore - Discover the healthy secrets behind this sensuous food

Need another reason to love the cacao bean? As it turns out, cocoa butter has its own set of health enhancing properties apart from cocoa. External use of the butter clears everything from psoriasis to dermatitis to eczema, while conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, heart disease and cancer respond well to internal use. Cocoa butter is also nutrient dense -- supplying antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and beneficial fats. Frequently used in skin care products, this heavenly butter is also great for cooking, smoothies and raw food creations.