Showing posts with label GAPS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GAPS. Show all posts

Heal Autism, Depression and Autoimmune Disorders with a GAPS Diet

The Gut and Psychology Syndrome diet (GAPS) is not for the faint of heart. It requires patience and dedication, not to mention time -- up to three years. But for those suffering from asthma, food intolerance and allergy, developmental delays, depression or a spectrum of digestive disorders, it can be a miracle. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, creator of the diet, believes that all disease begins with a compromised gut and if the digestive tract is healed, so is health.

A damaged gut equals compromised health

Through poor food choices, environmental toxins or genetic disposition, the gut can develop lesions that leak toxins into the bloodstream. This opens the door to a host of dysfunctional autoimmune conditions, systemic candida infections and neurological disorders. Dr. Campbell-McBride, who specializes in neurology and human nutrition, recognizes the crucial role a well functioning digestive system plays in physical and mental health. Using the GAPS protocol, she has witnessed full recoveries from autism to irritable bowel syndrome to food allergies.

Probiotics Shown to Dramatically Heal Food Sensitivities

For those who are familiar with the GAPS diet, rebuilding the gut is of primary importance. After all, the gut isn't only involved in properly absorbing nutrients to keep us fit - it's the foundation for a strong nervous system and immunity as well. When the gut is in top form, food sensitivities and illnesses have a harder time taking root. Interestingly, research has shown that probiotics can also heal the gut to such a point that food intolerance and allergies disappear.

Flash greens with red pepper, olives and bacon + Why I switched to a Paleo diet

Fast, easy and delicious is the name of the game this summer. If truth be told, who wants to spend time slaving over a hot stove when the weather is sparkling bright and a host of outdoor activities beckon? Yet we also don't want to substitute convenience for good food. Man (nor woman) can live by protein bar alone. So a happy medium is struck with a medley of colorful vegetables and a smattering of bacon with a few choice olives tossed in. A squeeze of lemon along with a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil and you're set. For those who have the time and inclination, roasting the red peppers is a nice touch – although it isn't necessary. I am not a big fan of pork for health reasons, but thankfully we live in an abundant age where convincing organic and nitrate/preservative free turkey alternatives are available.