Sungazing: Discover the bright rewards of this ancient practice

Reserved for the elite priests and shamans of ancient sun worshiping civilizations, sungazing was considered a powerful tool for spiritual and physical transformation. Today, the practice has been revived and embraced once again - gaining popularity with those who seek heightened vibrancy and joyful states of being. Proponents also believe sungazing reduces hunger and helps to maintain a slim body.

How to feast on sunlight

The fundamental sungazing protocol is quite simple. During sunrise or sunset, stand barefoot on the earth and gaze at the sun for 10 seconds. Each day, look 10 seconds longer until you build up to 44 minutes - about 10 months' worth of daily practice. Remain relaxed and calm, do not squint or strain. Once you have reached the 44 minute mark, the program is complete, further sungazing isn't necessary - although many continue the practice throughout their lives.

3 unexpected foods that can help you beat the blues

Who hasn't, at one point or another, battled with depression? That unmistakable energy-zapping, soul-crushing and utterly unpleasant state. In these uncertain times of economic failure, joblessness and threats to home and food security, it's no wonder rates of depression are on the rise. But before relying on risky pharmaceutical antidepressants, consider food-based solutions instead.

Nature's antidepressant

A nutrient dense diet can go a long way in fending off, if not downright curing, fits of depression. Be that as it may, certain edibles are better at targeting the blues than others. The following three examples have shown exceptional promise in helping to defeat depressive mental states.

Make a Biogas Generator to Produce Your Own Natural Gas

(Mother Earth News) You can use many household organic “waste” materials to produce your own natural gas for cooking, lighting, and space and water heating. This gas, known as “biogas,” can also replace fossil-based natural gas to fuel an engine or an absorption cooling system, such as a gas refrigerator or chiller. Some gasoline engines are designed for or can be modified for use with natural gas, propane or biogas. Diesel engines can accept up to 80 percent biogas.

Biogas is a mixture of primarily flammable gases — mostly methane — along with carbon dioxide that forms anywhere organic material decomposes anaerobically (without oxygen), such as in water, deep in a landfill, or in the guts of animals, including you.

Love coffee but not the toxicity? Minimize health risks with these tips

Coffee beverages are big business in America, generating a whopping $30 billion in annual revenue. Controversy continues to plague this beloved drink, however, with reports of toxicity stemming from dangerous growing methods and the roasting process. Then there's the addicting properties of caffeine, as well as the issue of acidity. In spite of the bad rap, research has shown that coffee also lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease, depression, stroke, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and asthma, along with cancers of the of liver, colon, kidney and prostate. Coffee contains a hearty dose of beneficial antioxidants too. Fortunately, we don't have to banish coffee completely from our lives - a happy medium can be struck if we pay attention to the bean type, growing practices, roast and brewing technique.

Declare economic independence with revolutionary micro-currency

Communities around the world who find the mainstream economic system taxing at best, and downright disempowering at worst, are taking matters into their own hands. With micro-currency and modern day barter systems, people are making positive strides in curbing economic downturns. Both promote ingenuity, economic sustainability, prosperity and connection with neighborhood commerce. As more cities, towns and rural hamlets embrace alternative currencies and bartering, abundance thrives -- free of national and global financial strangleholds.

Inspired local economies

Ziggy Stardust on valid currency? This is just what the London neighborhood of Brixton has done. Called the Brixton Pound, residents can use it at over 200 local businesses. As an added bonus, businesses often extend a discount to those using this innovative (and gorgeous) money. Although backed by national banknotes, the beauty of alternative currency is that it keeps money and prosperity local. Brixton is one of four regions in the UK that currently employ this ingenious economic system.

Trans-Pacific Partnership: "We Will Not Obey"; Building a Global Resistance Movement

(Truthout) We are in a time of transformational change. The opportunity is here to reverse the destruction wrought by rigged corporate trade agreements and to demand trade that is fair and promotes sustainable practices. There is no reason trade cannot improve the lives of workers and people around the world, as well as protect the planet from the rapacious destruction of corporate greed. We need to insist that people and the planet come before profits.

It is up to us to make this transformation a reality. To do so we must build a broad-based, movement of movements that sends a clear message to Washington, DC: "If you pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership, we will not obey."

The Obama administration has made it a priority to have the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) completed by the end of the year. The TPP is the largest trade agreement negotiated since the World Trade Organization (WTO). It covers 12 countries so far and includes provisions that reach beyond issues of trade. The full contents of the TPP are unknown because it has been negotiated with unprecedented secrecy; however, it is clear from what has been revealed that the TPP gives transnational corporations the power to alter our laws down to the local level to enhance and protect their profits.