Showing posts with label MSG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MSG. Show all posts

Common Toxin Lurking in Your Pantry Causes Obesity, Diabetes, Infertility and a Range of Unpleasant Side Effects

Typically, individuals concerned about health read labels and question if the food they consume will promote vitality and balance. So it's particularly disturbing when a hazardous ingredient is allowed to infiltrate the food supply under a misleading name which hides its true identity. Thanks to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) along with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), we now have monosodium glutamate (MSG) covertly present in food as well as crops that are sprayed with a noxious pesticide riddled with the toxin. For those who believe buying organic produce and shopping at natural markets will protect you from this brain damaging, disease promoting agent - think again.

'Healthy foods' now contain excitotoxins which can lead to brain damage

By Danica Collins 

(Underground Health Reporter)  Did You Know…that dozens of everyday “health” foods containing brain-damaging poisons, which seriously threaten your health—and such foods are not regulated by the FDA or other government agencies?

“Your food can be a killer—and I don’t mean just the junk food”, says Dr. David Blyweiss. That’s because processed foods—even so-called healthy foods—contain additives known as “excitotoxins” that cause serious neurodegenerative damage like Parkinson’s disease…Alzheimer’s…dementia…Lou Gehrig’s…multiple sclerosis…lupus…and more.

San Francisco-area chemist says autistic daughter cured by MSG-free diet

By Deborah Hastings

(NY Daily News) San Francisco Bay-area chemist Katherine Reid says cutting out monosodium glutamate, or MSG, cured her daughter of autism.

She tried a gluten-free diet. She tried supplements including fish oil and B complex vitamins.

But it was only when Katherine Reid cut monosodium glutamate, commonly called MSG, from her autistic daughter’s meals that she saw a staggering difference in the girl's behavior.

Seven-year-old Brooke seemed to be completely free of autistic symptoms such as temper tantrums, hypersensitivity to light and seizures.