Homeopathy Dramatically More Effective at Preventing and Treating Whooping Cough Than Allopathic Medicine

Living in a toxic world isn't easy, but we can protect ourselves with a bit of knowledge and awareness. Vaccination is a prime example. Concoctions of poison, vaccines are linked with autism, seizures and death. Astoundingly, the CDC is the biggest cheerleader of these harmful jabs even when they have been shown to be ineffective. And now, more are being pushed onto the public due to the recent outbreak of whooping cough (pertussis) that is raging across the U.S. A solution for this insanity can be found with homeopathy -- an exceptionally safe and successful remedy for infectious disease.

Dangerous vaccines peddled by the CDC to the detriment of health

Believe it or not, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does not hold health and well being as a top priority. It is yet another governmental agency with special interests, bowing down to big pharma and the mighty dollar. The CDC actively advocates vaccination, regardless of effectiveness or health risks. This is seen with the recent resurgence of whooping cough in the U.S. The CDC recommends an increase in pertussis vaccinations even though a majority of those who contract the disease have already been vaccinated. Not only is the vaccine a failure, but it is also extremely unsafe, carrying "one of the highest risks of dangerous side effect of any childhood shot," as stated in Vaccinations: The Rest of the Story.

Homeopathy—A safe alternative

Instead of risky vaccines, homeopathy offers a nontoxic and highly potent alternative for the prevention and treatment of whooping cough. In the book, Homeopathy in Epidemic Diseases, Dr. Dorothy Shepherd demonstrates the effectiveness of homeopathy. For years, Dr. Shepherd worked closely with an immunization clinic and witnessed first hand how unsuccessful vaccines were in preventing infectious disease. She also observed the dangers associated with vaccination. In an attempt to find a better solution, she purchased a copy of Dr. Clarke's monograph about the nosode of whooping cough (Pertussin). Shepherd's "...eyes were opened to the possibilities of cutting short an epidemic of this dread disease."

Dr. Shepherd found that homeopathy was successful in preventing pertussis and mitigating the severity of an attack. In one example, four children contracted whooping cough and were treated with allopathic medicine. It took the children almost six months to recover and were "a mere shadow of their of former selves," according to Shepherd. Interestingly, other children living close by also contracted the disease, but were given small pills of Pertussin instead. Every child fully recovered within two weeks.

In another instance, "364 cases were given daily doses of Pertussin for two weeks after contact. Many of these cases were seen in the day nurseries under my care -- not one of these children [including newborns] developed the disease," notes Shepherd.

A five-year-old girl in a private school was also treated successfully with Pertussin. Dr. Shepherd reports, "Of the twenty-one children in her class, eighteen were infected with a severe type of whooping cough. Only three escaped -- two had whooping cough a year before, and the third was my little friend."

Thankfully, homeopathy offers a safe and effective alternative to toxic vaccines and harmful infectious disease like pertussis. Further information about how to protect yourself from whooping cough with homeopathy can be found here.

Learn more: www.naturalnews.com/038096_homeopathy_whooping_cough_vaccines.html


  1. Really good article and good info. I had never heard of the flax tea remedy. Thanks for sharing all this information.
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  2. Nonsense. Homeopathy is pure water and sugar pills, and no high quality
    peer-reviewed research has ever found it performs any better than placebo for any
    illness. And to suggest it is more effective than vaccines isn't just wrong: it's dangerous advice that could kill children.

    The pertussis vaccine isn't perfect - it doesn't prevent 100% of infections. But it is very safe and quite effective. Children who have not been vaccinated for pertussis are 23 times more likely to contract whooping cough than fully vaccinated children. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/123/6/1446.full

  3. Experiential proof, many times, is more convincing than corrupt, bought and paid for medical "expertise." Such is the case with homeopathy. As far as the pertussis vaccine being safe and effective, here's some food for thought:

    Surprise! Whooping Cough Spreads Mainly through Vaccinated Populations

    "In 2010, the largest outbreak of whooping cough in over 50 years occurred in California. Around that same time, a scare campaign was launched in the California by Pharma-funded medical trade associations, state health officials and national media, targeting people opting out of receiving pertussis vaccine, falsely accusing them of causing the outbreak.

    However, research published in March of this year paints a very different picture than the one spread by the media2.

    In fact, the study showed that 81 percent of 2010 California whooping cough cases in people under the age of 18 occurred in those who were fully up to date on the whooping cough vaccine. Eleven percent had received at least one shot, but not the entire recommended series, and only eight percent of those stricken were unvaccinated.

    According to the authors:

    "This first detailed analysis of a recent North American pertussis outbreak found widespread disease among fully vaccinated older children. Starting approximately three years after prior vaccine dose, attack rates markedly increased, suggesting inadequate protection or durabilityfrom the acellular vaccine." [Emphasis mine]

    The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine is included as a component in "combination" shots that include tetanus and diphtheria (DPT, DTaP, Tdap) and may also include polio, hepatitis B, and/or Haemophilus Influenza B (Hib). CDC data shows 84 percent of children under the age of three have received at least FOUR DTaP shots—which is the acellular pertussis vaccine that was approved in the United States in 1996—yet, despite this high vaccination rate, whooping cough still keeps circulating among both the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

    So, as clearly evidenced in this study, the vaccine likely provides very little, if any, protection from the disease. In fact, the research suggests those who are fully vaccinated may in fact be more likely to get the disease than unvaccinated populations."

    Learn more: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/07/30/whooping-cough-vaccine.aspx
    and http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2012/03/13/cid.cis287
